Posts by: astrologyplace

The Emotional Journey You Never Saw Coming: How Transiting Pluto Trine Moon Aspects Can Bring Healing and Growth

When Pluto transiting trine interact with the Moon, which is associated with emotions, nostalgia, and femininity, it adds an intriguing dimension to the astrological analysis. Observing the effects of Pluto and the Moon forming a transit can lead to various…...

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Nostradamus: World Government

The Nostradamus book, interpreted by Liz Greene and Peter Lorie, takes a look at Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn and the possibility of a new world government. “Natal China: Like East Germany, this horoscope has a Sun/Neptune conjunction…

Fixed Signs: The Beasts of the Apocalypse

Question: Unless there’s an overpowering fixation (stubbornness) at play, and obviously survival nearly usually takes precedence over other concerns, I’ve always just thought that people can adjust to their environments. A catastrophe, in the worst of all possible worlds, can…...

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Fate and Free Will

The question of whether our lives are predestined and planned out or whether they are entirely of our own creation has plagued humankind for as long as we have attempted to understand our place in the universe and our relationship…

Moon in Sagittarius & Houses 1-12

The Moon in Sagittarius tends to romanticise the more primal aspects of life; it is impulsive, optimistic, and profoundly moved by the untamed beauty of nature when in this position. There is a yearning for hands-on learning; for adventures; for…...

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