Moon-Pluto Aspects

Moon-Pluto: Guardians of Family Secrets

The astrological aspect of Moon-Pluto offers a profound exploration into the intricate interplay of hidden truths and familial dynamics. This cosmic configuration brings together the Moon, symbolizing the cherished concepts of home, family, and origin, and Pluto, the revealer of…...

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Moon-Pluto: It’s Reflected in the Eyes

Question: The Moon’s alignment with Pluto can present both challenges and motivations, urging you to persist even in adversity. This connection may create a feeling of teetering on the edge, with intense emotions providing a sense of purpose to life…....

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Moon-Pluto: The Astrologers Grapevine

There will be one dramatically “fated” relationship in which the person is consumed with desire for his partner. He will want to own the other person, but control, in the final outcome, will be out of his hands. The person…...

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The Moon-Pluto Anorexic

Anorexia nervosa is said to stem from complex issues to do with biology, personality, and life experiences. It’s denying the body food and nutrients, which leads to starvation. According to Charles Carter, those who suffer from a lack of food…...

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Moon-Pluto: Life can Be a B*tch – Vent?

The emotional topography of Moon-Pluto types can lead them through recurrent phases of depression. This emotionally fuelled rollercoaster is influenced by their profound awareness of life’s impermanence, the inevitability of endings, and the inherent power struggles present in meaningful relationships…....

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Moon-Pluto Mother: The Witch Hunt!

Question: In her book “Aspects in Astrology,” Sue Tompkins suggests that individuals with such an aspect are frequently fixated on their mothers (and at times, on the idea of becoming a mother themselves), while the mothers are equally fixated on…...

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The Watery Depths: Water Element/Moon-Neptune/Moon-Pluto

Question: I’m tired of being an emotional person (water planets & watery aspects), nobody has time for crybabies and moody people. I’m tired of my emotions because they ruin my days and my relationships. Being upset hurts my body. Being…...

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Moon-Pluto: The Dark Side of Families

Question: I have developed an interest in the potential connection between possessing a Moon-Pluto aspect and experiencing a challenging childhood. This curiosity was sparked by reading numerous personal accounts of individuals with this contact, where I repeatedly encountered narratives of…...

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