The Pluto in Aquarius transit is wading us into a deep pool of thought, societal waves, and an undertow of human behavior. Pluto is the planet of transformation. When it dons the garb of Aquarius, the sign of collective progress,…
The Nostradamus book, interpreted by Liz Greene and Peter Lorie, takes a look at Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn and the possibility of a new world government. “Natal China: Like East Germany, this horoscope has a Sun/Neptune conjunction…
Nostradamus: The Millennium and Beyond, Prophecies to 2016″ is a collaborative work written by Peter Lorie and Liz Greene, with its first publication dating back to 1993. The book offers readers a glimpse world of prophecy, focusing primarily on the…
In astrology, few elements carry as great of a meaning for human progress as the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. This aspect between the benevolent giant (Jupiter) and the rebellious revolutionary (Uranus) is mighty in its own right. However, when…
I was jotting down notes on Dane Rudhyar’s piece about Uranus when I realised something. I found myself thinking about the war as I was reading it. Vladimir Putin launched the largest war in Europe since World War Two on…...
Which age are we currently in – Aquarius or Pisces? It’s difficult to define those borders of different consciousness. Some astrologers say that our entry into Aquarius may have happened about 200 years ago. Alan Oken in Complete Astrology, which…...
People’s work ethics have been described by the generation they belong with and it also signifies the general tone of the times. As I read through the generations and observed the charts it strongly relates to Pluto. It is one…
The Martian revolution starts right now! Finally, a new space breakthrough as we have been waiting for something to happen and it has been confirmed there is liquid water on Mars. We astrologers have pretty much danced around different ideas and…
If everybody is wondering about Neptune in Pisces’ meaning, it has already been underway and, thus far, is proving to be something of a submerging, and even nebulous ride. In Astrology, Neptune rules idealism, altruism, self-sacrifice, empathy, kindness, compassion, and…
Here is a look at the astrology of the exploration of our universe. We generally associate space with the planet Uranus and the sign of Aquarius. The symbol of Aquarius is represented by wavy lines and signifies, progress, technology, science,…
Lyn Birkbeck’s, Understanding the Future is about the upcoming transits from and how they will impact us all: “Hold on tight – the next dozen years are set to be the most momentous of our lives. Humanity stands at a…
Peter Lorie and astrologer Liz Greene’s book Nostradamus is a fascinating read because it includes a chapter on the Plan for America as well as unique insights for the current era. I love how these ideas whirl together—ancient prophecies and…