
The Less Evolved Virgo

“It has been neatly said, and the saying is often quoted, that the critics are those who have failed. It might be said with greater charity and fuller truth that the critics are those who are not yet sufficiently evolved…...

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The Locked Gates of Virgo

Virgo, as a zodiac sign, embodies a unique approach to making the world a better place. While their innate desire is to help others, they firmly believe that true change begins from within. The age-old adage, “set your house in…...

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Virgo: The Maiden Must Die!

The myth of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, is a captivating tale that has been passed down through generations, woven into the tapestry of Greek mythology. Persephone’s story unfolds against the backdrop of nature’s cyclical rhythms, reflecting the changing seasons…....

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The Virgo-Pisces Opposition: Selfless-Service

The opposition aspect in astrology, characterized by the 180-degree angle between two planets or points on a birth chart, holds profound symbolic significance representing the interplay of opposing forces. This contrast embodies a dynamic equilibrium, wherein seemingly contradictory energies strive…

Virgo: Never Be So Clever You Forget to Be Kind

In evaluating their own and others’ work, Virgos are constructive critics who offer suggestions for growth and new avenues for exploration. The sign of Virgo corresponds to the part of the zodiac where discrimination is sharpened; this zone is founded…...

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Virgo Quotes: You Had Better Look Elsewhere if It Is a ‘Betty-Boop’ Girl You Want

There is a different expression of the earth element in the Virgo, since the childhood environment stresses education and mental development. For centuries, Virgos have been told that they are too critical, too intellectual, too rational, too involved with education,…...

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Is Virgo Really the Most Transformative Sign?

I believe that when we apply all of the signs to our lives, they may have a transformative effect. However, because most transformations don’t happen overnight – they aren’t massive, drastic shifts – they are frequently the result of hundreds…...

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The Evolved Virgo: Functional and Beautiful

The chief characteristic of the fully developed Virginian is his marvelous power of discrimination. He tries everything in the furnace of his criticism, separates, sifts, classifies and arranges his materials and his men, recognizing at a glance the potential value…...

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Virgo: We Have High Standards of Ourselves

A mutable earthy sign, ruled by Mercury. Ingrid Lind once again asks straight away: How can earth be mutable and mercurial? And the answer yet again is in the other ingredients (though, as she says, this internal conflict does tend…...

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