With the Moon in Gemini you have a reputation for being quick on your feet, full of questions, and able to hold your own in any conversation. You also have a knack for coming up with clever one-liners and witty…...
When Uranus is transiting in a stimulating aspect to the Sun in your birth chart, it heralds a period of significant change and excitement in your life. This transit can bring about shifts in various aspects of your reality, and…...
Can Pluto really bring about change and healing? When does this happen, if it happens? Any modern astrological book worth its salt will tell you that Pluto wants you to dust yourself off and come back even more fearsome, wiser,…...
If the Moon is in Taurus, you have an innate yearning for the security, ease, and opulence that the sign represents. However the lunar influence also means that you require these things on a more psychological level in order to…...
Moon in Aries women are often advised to surround themselves with male friends, but may be taken aback if their male companions begin to see more than platonic ties between them. This is because they have a natural affinity for…...
According to Saturn’s sign placement in a person’s birth chart, it is normal for that person to have strong feelings of repulsion toward those born under that sign, but it is also common for that person to find people born…...
In evaluating their own and others’ work, Virgos are constructive critics who offer suggestions for growth and new avenues for exploration. The sign of Virgo corresponds to the part of the zodiac where discrimination is sharpened; this zone is founded…...
Question: Having Pluto positioned in the 8th house has deeply influenced my intrigue with the afterlife and everything it encompasses. This placement has not only fueled my curiosity but also granted me the ability to connect with spirits and honed…...
The astrological ephemeris says that I’ll have my own “mid-life crisis transit” when I turn 44 next year. Other sources say that this event starts at 42, and one book says that it ends at that age. Let’s suppose this…...
Due to the placement of Pluto in my 12th house, I am often subjected to verbal and physical harassment in public places. Large gatherings of people make me feel uncomfortable, and this is a real worry for me every time…...
Does the absence of Jupiter aspects in a horoscope indicate a pessimistic outlook and, by extension, a lack of good fortune? Yet, I’ve heard that those blessed with Jupiter’s abundance aren’t as lucky as we think, and instead have a…...
The Moon, representing your inner emotional landscape, is inherently sensitive and intensely subjective. It often channels a deep-seated, almost intuitive knowledge that appears to come from experiences beyond the present life. This can express itself as an inner guidance system,…...