One way of looking at one’s mode is as one’s fundamental make-up, and the three Modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable) as the building blocks of your natal chart. The idea that the Mutable Mode (planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and…...
Question: My father and I are both Aries, but because his Mercury is in Taurus and mine is in Aries, he used to drive me nuts as a kid by saying things twice. He was the type to repeat himself…...
Is it true that when Neptune transits in trine to natal planets, wonderful things are on the horizon? With a benefic Neptune aspecting your natal chart, your heart may expand to a greater sense of love and compassion for those…...
Question: How problematic is it to have a Pisces Mercury, relative to other signs? One of my sister’s friends, a Mercury in Pisces, struggled at school. As a result, they’ve stopped their education after completing high school. My sister once…...
A transiting Planet will go back and forth over a natal planet three times, sowing its seeds and lessons and stirring up events, situations, or feelings and motivations. We may feel bewildered and overwhelmed by the emergence of something new…...
When the Moon is in a synastry aspect with Pluto across two charts, it portrays intense emotions where the Moon is both attracted to and threatened by Pluto’s depths. The Moo and Pluto can undergo a radical psychological transformation together;…...
Question: Do Venus-Pluto individuals engage in extramarital sexual relations? With Venus-Pluto in your natal chart, you often possess a profound capacity for forging enduring and intense connections. Far from being emotionally shallow or fickle, you are inclined to cultivate deep,…...
If your North Node is in Sagittarius and your South Node is in Gemini, you are likely someone who has spent a lot of time in the past engaging in intellectual and communicative pursuits, and who may have entered this…
The Moon in a horoscope often represents our reliant, helpless sides, the parts of ourselves that need other people to lift us up when we fall, to give us comfort and support when things are tough. When Saturn, the planet…