In the evenings, I’ve chosen to indulge in a TV drama with my partner, offering us a fine dose of Pluto’s intensity, yet experienced from the comfort of our chairs and sofas. Wrapped in warmth, we can watch the dramatic…
Unveiling the Truth: Why True Plutonian Women Crime Lovers Don’t Need Serious Trauma Counseling
Last night, my significant other had a good laugh while browsing an article on his phone. Apparently, it claimed that dating someone who has a penchant for true crime is as alarming as a red flag waving in the wind. While…...
Question: Pluto, if I’m not mistaken, is linked to transformation of our “lower natures,” or sources of power and desire. My life during Pluto’s transit was chaotic, to say it mildly. Transformative? My life did a complete about-face, or 180,…...
Pluto, the “black lord” of the planets, is a representation of the underworld and the dreadful reality that lies behind the solar consciousness, the ego, social graces, and the veneer of the people at large. The planet, which takes five…...
Pluto is the first name that comes to mind when exploring keywords related to sexuality and mortality. In terms of the sex life, it is fundamentally powerful and passionate, and the act of sexual union can be a profoundly spiritual…
Pluto, also known as Hades in Greek mythology, rules the underworld, which may symbolically represent the subconscious. In addition, the ancient Persephone story has Pluto at its centre; it represents a fundamental change, a rebirth and a metamorphosis in a…
In The Astrology of Fate, Liz Greene tackles a weighty but fascinating topic. In astrology, Pluto is said to play a significant role in determining one’s destiny, and it has also been called “the keeper of life’s deepest, darkest secrets.”…
The Outer-Planets exert an all-consuming force on the horoscope, and the duration of their transits provides insight into the potency and influence of these cosmic forces throughout history. Dane Rudhyar says we should look at these three planets as part…