Understanding the Moon in Pisces Retreat

Jan Spiller and Karen McCoy offer an intriguing perspective on the Moon in Pisces in their book “Spiritual Astrology.” Enigmatic souls, they seem to carry a yearning for quietude. One might imagine them as hermits in hushed monasteries or nuns cloistered in secluded convents, seeking refuge from a world that has wearied them across lifetimes. Perhaps some of them lived less conventionally, driven less by religion and more by their hearts. Maybe they led lives off the beaten path, by the sea perhaps, or somewhere entirely different.

When it comes to past lives, everything is uncertain. It’s possible there’s an ingrained part of their personality carried over from a previous life, a yearning for a world of their own. According to Spiller and McCoy, our past selves might influence our current personalities in subtle ways. In this case, their introspective nature and desire for solitude could be a carryover from a previous life where they sought peace and quiet away from the “craziness” of the world. Over time, these beautiful souls have built up this protective bubble around themselves—a shield made of dreams and fantasies. It’s like their own little sanctuary, keeping their delicate sanity safe from the harshness of reality.

Just like the tides under the moon’s sway, these dreamers constantly struggle to stay grounded in the real world. Their existence is always on the line, given the unpredictable ups and downs of life’s demands. Bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of the Moon in Pisces influence, those under its spell often drift away from the usual, practical paths most people follow. The daily grind, governed by the relentless passage of time, becomes a perplexing puzzle for them.

For individuals with the Moon in Pisces, the ordinary world is where they perform a balancing act, teetering between the real and the imaginary. The yearning within them runs deep—an insatiable hunger for a reality untouched by the mundane demands of everyday life. This longing for the extraordinary can occasionally lead them away from essential tasks. Instead of following conventional routines, they are pulled into the enchanting realms of their own creative imagination. 

However, these dreamers are not completely oblivious to the practical realities of existence. They possess a deep understanding that while pursuing dreams and fully engaging with the extraordinary is essential, they cannot completely detach themselves from earthly matters. In their steadfast pursuit of a life free from the shackles of routine, they seek to discover enchantment in the everyday moments. They yearn to break free from the ordinary, constantly seeking unexpected pockets of joy and magic amidst the routines of life.

Just as the tides of the ocean wade in and out, the Moon in Pisces is able to retreat and regroup, finding comfort in the tranquil home they create for themselves. In a world brimming with noise and activity, this ability to withdraw serves as a refuge. Like stepping back to gain a new perspective, they retreat from the realm of obligations and expectations. Taking this intentional pause gives them a much-needed breather, enabling them to catch their breath and find clarity amid the chaos.

In these moments of withdrawal, they delve inward, reconnecting with their innermost thoughts, dreams, and emotions. This deliberate disconnection from life allows them to nurture their spiritual reservoirs. The real world, with all its demands and deadlines, temporarily fades into the background as they dip into the wellspring of their imagination. They’re able to explore the depths of their inner ocean where the mysteries of their subconscious life. This stepping back isn’t just about avoiding life itself. It’s super important for recharging their batteries and getting back to their true selves.

However, while this tendency to withdraw provides relief, it sometimes verges on excessive escapism, pulling them deeper into the worlds they’ve created and farther from real-life experiences. In their imagination, they make up stories and undertake creative journeys, initially charming and innocent. Yet, this can divert their attention from the valuable lessons that life’s difficulties can offer. The shield of their dreams might turn into a cozy prison, preventing them from fully accepting the unfiltered realities of life.

The Moon’s gentle influence on Pisces also grants them a sensitive emotional nature, a quality that desires connection and validation from external sources. This yearning for approval often veils their true selves, hiding their genuine essence from the outside world. As they lean on others for support, something unexpected happens—they start blending their own dreams with what others expect from them. It’s something they didn’t see coming. Driven by a powerful desire for connection, they might be playing a dangerous game. The fear of facing life alone, without the comfort of their emotional connections, leaves them feeling exposed to the very things they try to outrun.

According to Spiritual Astrology

Moon in Pisces: These past life monastic experiences have lead to certain material dependencies that you feel are necessary to maintain your healing spiritual consciousness. You are used to having others take care of you, cook for you, and set your daily routine. In the monastery, for example, someone rang the gong, signaling when you should get up, when you should go to church or temple, when you should eat, and so forth. Consequently, you have never developed self-discipline, which is a task for this lifetime, you are learning to accept responsibilities and to “ring your own gong”. You are used to living in a timeless reality, but in this lifetime you need to learn the practical value of infusing celestial reality into daily life by sticking to a routine and by paying attention to being on time. These factors can make your life strong and give you confidence in relating your spiritual consciousness effectively to daily living. Spiritual Astrology


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