With the Sun square Pluto aspect in your natal chart, others may see the tip of your polite iceberg, but below lies a Titanic-worthy mass of determination, intensity, and an unquenchable hunger for metamorphosis. This is the kind of placement…
With a Venus trine Pluto aspect in your natal chart, you possess a magnetic intensity. You walk into a room, and it’s as if everyone suddenly leans a little closer, drawn by a gravitational force they can’t quite name. You’re…
When Pluto transits Mercury, it beckons us into the shadowy underworld of our own psyche, a place that is both terrifying and thrilling, like the best of fairground rides. Mercury is the ruler of the mind, usually content with the…...
When Neptune transits Mercury, you find yourself at a crossroads between reason and reverie, between the mundanity of your daily duties and the great mysterious abyss of the unknown. Your brain, usually a finely tuned instrument for managing daily chaos…...
Under a transit of Uranus to Mercury, it’s equivalent of plugging a live wire directly into your neural network! If you’re craving some mental stillness, this is not the season for it. Uranus zaps Mercury, the messenger, with flashes of…...
Question: Does Mars In Aquarius have a high sex drive? Mars, the planet of action and desire, governs how we pursue what we want, including, of course, the more carnal pursuits of life. Aquarius, on the other hand, is the…
The 5th house is ruled by Leo, and the Sun, which means it represents the core of who we are, the self in its most glowing, uncompromised form. So, when planets are in the 5th house, it’s like they’re being…...
Question: I’ve had several meaningful conversations with many water signs, and I’ve noticed a common theme: most of them trust their intuition, though some acknowledge that it can sometimes lead them astray. While some water signs believe their gut instincts…...
Question: Does the Mercury-Pluto synastry aspect typically result in mental control and abuse, with Pluto exerting cruelty or humiliation over Mercury’s mental state? Are there instances of mind games and manipulation of thoughts in this astrological interaction? If we’ve got…...
With Venus opposite Uranus in your natal chart, it does tend to shake things up in the realm of relationships, and not always in the cozy, predictable, “let’s grow old together on the porch” kind of way. This is more…
When Pluto, the harbinger of transformation, transits in aspect to the Moon – our emotional core, our instinctive self, the carrier of memory and intuition – things can get a bit… intense. Like opening an old suitcase you’d shoved to…...
When Neptune transits to the Moon, it’s a stirring that leaves us feeling a little misty-eyed. It puts a soft-focus filter over our emotional landscape, inviting us to dive into the deep waters of nostalgia. We may find ourselves hypnotized…...