Have you noticed that there are a wide variety of astrological voices to be found in books, websites, and magazines? There’s the “Dear Abby” approach, the “relatable astrologer” style, the “spiritual” approach, and the “down to earth” and “tell you…...
Uranus trine the Ascendant suggests you give off the kind of liberated ease that many people spend years trying to cultivate. You’re free. Not the “I’ve-got-the-weekend-off” kind of free, but an existential, soul-deep freedom that lets you be delightfully, irrepressibly…...
A woman who was born in the 1920s had the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini and square Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces, all in multiple signs, and so when transiting Neptune came along in Sagittarius, it turned…...
Life Epitome suggests that Aquarius, as a zodiac sign, delves into the complex movements of the solar system, a realm about which our understanding is limited. Unlike the more familiar and shorter time cycles that we are accustomed to, Aquarius…...
Just Eat it: Moon-Jupiter, Moon-Saturn, Moon-Uranus, Moon-Neptune, and Moon-Pluto Eating Habits
The connection between our emotions and the Moon has been a source of fascination for centuries. The waxing and waning of the Moon, symbolizing change and cyclical patterns, are often thought to mirror the ebb and flow of our emotions…....
Suppose the following happened to you: When you awaken, you find that you have died. Actually not dead, though. Your death is nonetheless reported in the local paper, along with an obituary. Everyone is reading your untimely demise in the…...
When Pluto is involved in a cross aspect to one of your personal planets, it’s like an intense ride of emotions – one minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re questioning your entire existence. It’s like being…...
Pluto Trine Ascendant Natal Aspect: Who Knew Being Friends With Hades Could Be So Beneficial?
Any aspect that works in harmony with your ascendant and the way you move through the world and interact with others is likely to be welcome by the majority of people. Pluto’s trine to the ascendant is no exception. The…...
If Mars is in a hard aspect to Saturn (conjunction, square, and opposition) and is kept too tightly in check and restrained like on a tight leash, when it finally gets loose, it unleashes its more angrier, ferocious, and willful…...
Denise Marie Bidot is an American plus-size fashion model who aspires to be a body activist in the spirit of the Empowering Self-Love Campaign, which honours women of all size, colour, age, and shape. The “There Is No Wrong Way…...
According to Jerry Williams’s book Contemporary Astrology, Taurus is linked to cannabis because it deepens one’s experience of the present, prolongs its pleasure, and appeals most strongly to the here and now. “To be stoned on weed is to embody…...
When the Sun is square to Saturn in an individual’s natal chart, relying on some kind of an orderly system within in which there is room for neither chaos nor weakness and where they keep a tight rein on themselves…...