The Saturn Return, when it occurs, holds significant implications for personal development and self-discovery, often bearing substantial weight. As the planet Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun and returns to the same position it occupied at an individual’s birth,…...
When reading about Alan Leo’s three categories of Saturn individuals, I identified with aspects of each type, from the most positive to the most challenging. You might find a similar experience exploring these categories for yourself. On the positive side,…...
With Saturn positioned in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th, astrology believes that this Saturn placement is more dominant in the horoscope. Some astrologers go as far as to say that even Saturn in a cardinal sign – Aries, Cancer,…...
Question: What is it about Sun-Saturn stress aspects (in particular) that resonate with such pain? One of my favorite famous examples of how Sun-Saturn (a very stressful and oppressing aspect) can manifest is Billy Corgan. Billy is the lead singer…...
In astrology, Saturn is often seen as the constant protector, akin to a great protective father who shields you from the potential pains and challenges of life. Its influence is like a sturdy fortress, providing structure and discipline to your…...
Question: Today I am planning to go back to the bookshelf to Linda Goodman about Capricorns. Since I am getting negative vibes from inside and out about Capricornians and Saturnians. My area of doubt begins with the very basic question:…...
Saturn, as a planet in astrology, is often associated with discipline, responsibility, and self-control. It represents the part of us that seeks to structure our lives and establish a sense of order and purpose. It’s how you measure your success,…...
Question: My first return (Saturn is in my 7th house) brought me my husband and the most committed relationship of my life. I should say relationships, because ultimately it brought my daughter. Hooking up with him did change my life…...
Question: How Deep does Saturn go? Saturn, in astrological terms, often bears a reputation of being one of the most challenging planetary influences in a natal chart. It’s commonly associated with hardship, limitations, and a stern sense of discipline. It…...
The fascination and complexity surrounding Saturn in astrology can be quite intriguing. The contrast between Saturn’s astrological significance and its physical beauty in the night sky is fascinating. From a scientific standpoint, Saturn is undeniably a marvel to behold. Its…...
Zipporah Dobyns calls Saturn the planet of feedback—a critic providing not just a slap on the wrist when you’ve been neglectful but a hearty pat on the back when you’ve diligently toiled away at your tasks. Saturn is your strict…...
Symbolized by the cross of matter over the crescent of the soul, the astrological symbol of Saturn signifies that your spiritual journey must be given shape and form within the limitations of existence in time and space. You must be…...