
The First Saturn Return: A Mental Breakdown

The Saturn Return, when it occurs, holds significant implications for personal development and self-discovery, often bearing substantial weight. As the planet Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun and returns to the same position it occupied at an individual’s birth,…...

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Saturn: The Bodyguard

In astrology, Saturn is often seen as the constant protector, akin to a great protective father who shields you from the potential pains and challenges of life. Its influence is like a sturdy fortress, providing structure and discipline to your…...

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Saturn’s Depth

Question: How Deep does Saturn go? Saturn, in astrological terms, often bears a reputation of being one of the most challenging planetary influences in a natal chart. It’s commonly associated with hardship, limitations, and a stern sense of discipline. It…...

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The Saturn Mystique: Reveling in Beauty, Confronting Maleficence

The fascination and complexity surrounding Saturn in astrology can be quite intriguing. The contrast between Saturn’s astrological significance and its physical beauty in the night sky is fascinating. From a scientific standpoint, Saturn is undeniably a marvel to behold. Its…...

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Saturn: Where Your Boundaries Are

Symbolized by the cross of matter over the crescent of the soul, the astrological symbol of Saturn signifies that your spiritual journey must be given shape and form within the limitations of existence in time and space. You must be…...

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