The 12 Princesses of the Zodiac

The ram rules the beginning of spring – starting the process of spinning everything in motion. Aries is symbolic of the birth of everything new. While often having a rich life, the flow of energy is imbued with single-mindedness, and the Arian will probably face tough battles in an ascent to be Queen of the … Read moreThe 12 Princesses of the Zodiac


Taurus, an Earth sign ruled by Venus, places a significant emphasis on material security and stability. These individuals have a deep-rooted need for financial well-being. They are often focused on accumulating wealth, assets, and resources, as these things provide a sense of security and comfort. Taurus individuals are often driven to work hard, save, and … Read moreTaurus

Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Taurus

With the Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus, your personality is a fascinating blend of intensity and stability, passion and practicality. This cosmic arrangement combines the enigmatic, transformative qualities of Scorpio with the grounded and sensuous nature of Taurus, resulting in a complex and intriguing individual. Your emotions are deep-seated and potent, often simmering … Read moreSun in Scorpio/Moon in Taurus

More Star Dilemmas

A relationship theme with these star questions. If a certain Sun sign girl was to come home early one afternoon to find her boyfriend home alone with one of her best friends, how might she react? Sagittarius Make fun of them to find out what’s going on Capricorn Worry what everybody would think if it … Read moreMore Star Dilemmas

Star Counters

Here are some fun scenarios for the different star signs, the questions are from the astrology game, Star Encounters. What might send ripples of fear down his/her spine? Aries Falling at the final hurdle in the big race Taurus Not having enough money to pay the mortgage Gemini Being trapped into marriage Cancer The thought … Read moreStar Counters

Taurus Quotes

Ownership can be very important to some Taureans, and money and property can be utilized as a form of defense. For others, money itself may matter less than a familiar environment into which one can retreat. This can also mean a stable job which, although uninspiring, has the merit of being secure, or a relationship … Read moreTaurus Quotes