The Less Evolved Cancer

Here is Isabelle Pagan’s interpretation of Cancer, and afterward, we will explore the dark psychology of the sign. “Primitive Cancerians are the slaves, instead of vainly trying to string and to tune the harp of life, ever striving to find…...

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The Red Planet: Mars

Mars is the solar system’s “strong arm,” and its influence helps us to become fearless in our pursuit of happiness and fulfilment. By inspiring us to forge our own paths in life, it helps us develop the strength and resourcefulness…

The Less Evolved Scorpio

Here are the less evolved or primitive traits of Scorpio, as written by Isabelle Pagan, and we’ll dive deeper into them down below: “The primitive Scorpio is not merely wicked; he is fiendish. Not content with his own reckless defiance…...

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The Less Evolved Pisces

“Manifesting in humanity in the early stages, the power of Neptune seems to our blind eyes merely negative, if not wholly malevolent, for the primitive Piscean is almost invariably a burden and anxiety to his friends. Lacking the spur of…...

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Pride Behind Bars: The Capricorn’s Imprisonment

Question: “Is Capricorn pride, often associated with reluctance to open up and be vulnerable, considered a negative trait? How does this pride impact interpersonal relationships and personal growth, especially when individuals find it challenging to break through their self-imposed walls?”…...

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Plumbing the Depths: 10 Keys to Understanding Pluto’s Impact in the 3rd House

1. Intense and honest Conversations: With Pluto influencing the 3rd house, the realm of communication takes on a transformative and alchemical quality, where words carry the weight of profound revelations that can span a lifetime. Conversations become more than just…...

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Vengeful Leo: Myth or Reality?

Question: Astrologers should describe Leos as the Punishers of the zodiac, embodying a vengeful, Frank Castle-esque persona. This reflects the Leo approach: focus on thriving and fulfilling their life’s mission. Eventually, the results will become evident, and the universe will…...

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Mars in the 3rd House: Words Are Like Daggers

When Mars is in the 3rd house within an astrological chart, its influence manifests prominently in the realm of communication. Contrary to the more stereotypical view that associates Mars with rudeness and aggression, its placement in the house of communication…...

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