Zipporah Dobyns calls Saturn the planet of feedback—a critic providing not just a slap on the wrist when you’ve been neglectful but a hearty pat on the back when you’ve diligently toiled away at your tasks. Saturn is your strict…...
Uranus transits in astrology are often seen as periods of significant upheaval and transformation. They typically signify a time to re-evaluate and potentially overhaul areas of your life that might have settled into a state of complacency or routine. The…...
Neptune and Venus indicates that there is likely to be a high degree of idealisation in the spheres of romantic relationships, images of ‘perfect lovers and partners’ emanating from an overshadowing by either the anima (if male) or the animus…...
Aries, the Ram, is our fierce harbinger of new beginnings, eternal Spring, and fresh morning dew. Truly, Aries is a rare embodiment of vitality: the one who charges forward without hesitance, not only taking risk but thriving on it. The…...
The Moon in the 8th house doesn’t just nudge you toward the mysterious; it drags you by the hand, whispering, “There’s more to life than what you see.” It’s as if life handed you a flashlight and pointed you toward…...
In your astrological birth chart, the second house below the eastern horizon, refers to possessions; but this word possessions, is usually thought of in a much too narrow sense; i.e., merely as money or goods. It should mean anything necessary…...
With Jupiter as your benevolent teacher sitting high in the 9th house, it urges you to explore life’s mysteries. I love this, truly. What a vast, boundless space you’ve been given to cultivate wisdom—wisdom, unlike trivia facts, nourishes the very…...
Question: The current transiting Pluto to Mars aspect has triggered intense emotions within me. I find myself reacting with aggression to minor triggers. Any suggestions? When transiting Pluto aspects Mars in an astrological chart, it can signal a period of…...
Question: What is the difference between a Lunarian and a Neptunian and their needs in life? The Lunarian versus Neptunian dynamic – where one is veiled in soft, lunar mist, the other bathed in Neptunian seas of boundless empathy. Lunarians…...
When Pluto transits over the Sun, it’s time to bin the old version of yourself. This is no minor spring clean, though. Pluto doesn’t politely suggest that maybe you should let go of few thins. Pluto stomps through your life…...
The seventh house represents our personal one-to-one relationships and committed partnerships. This is the area of life where we push out from ourselves and join forces with another. Sometimes it is a place of contest, as in dealings with the…...
The Sun-Uranus aspect is truly the astrological embodiment of anarchy. People under this influence are blessed with what one might call the gift of splendid misalignment. They aren’t simply different for the sake of novelty; they’re different because they are…...