“Relationships, Astrology, and Karma” stands out as a remarkable book in the realm of synastry literature. Its unique approach to connection analysis and interpretation sets it apart from other synastry readings, bringing it up to a higher quality level. It…...
In an astrological book buying spree with £100, I set out on a quest to update an old astrology library and delve deeper into the kaleidoscope richness and complexity of the soul. Astrology might not fully encompass the intricacies of…...
In the realm of higher celestial beings, perception goes beyond the limitations of human senses. The amazing ability to see all of reality at once allows them to go beyond the constraints of time and space. To them, the universe…...
A transit undergoes various stages of development, each contributing to its unique journey and significance. The journey begins with the initiation phase. During this stage, the transit’s energies start to make themselves known, subtly influencing the individual or situation it…...
Question: With Neptune, you’re in La La Land, not even knowing you’re being messed with. You can feel so deeply, as if your soul has been touched, but it’s just your imagination. None of it’s real. Neptune will do anything…...
With the Moon sextile Mercury, the individual experiences a wonderful integration of their emotions and intellect. This harmonious blending allows them to easily comprehend new ideas and concepts, fostering a deep appreciation for knowledge. An innate thirst for learning is…
Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, is often portrayed as a complex and enigmatic symbol in astrology, representing the dual struggle between the earthly realm and higher reality. This dual nature is personified by the two fishes swimming in…
Astrologers have long felt a natural affinity with Jungian psychology, finding its concepts to be highly compatible with their astrological work. One of the fundamental ideas that Jung contributed to astrology is the concept of the unconscious as the basis…
The Sun represents the core of your identity, your ego, and your desire for self-expression, while Saturn embodies responsibility, authority, and the social structure. When these two celestial bodies come into contact through a conjunction, square, or opposition, it creates…
The sign of Virgo is the meticulous earth sign under the watchful eye of Mercury, known for its impeccable attention to detail, precision, and good ol’ practicality. Those lucky enough to be born under the celestial guidance of Virgo possess…
The concept of Saturn cycles in astrology is based on the belief that Saturn’s position in the natal chart influences certain life events and personal growth. These transiting movements occur approximately every seven years and are said to coincide with…
In the realm of astrology, Uranus is a planet that represents the unconventional, the innovative, and the transformative aspects of human nature. Its placement in a natal chart indicates where an individual expresses their inventiveness, originality, and potential for making…