Month: November 2010

Songs of the Zodiac: Virgo

The Virgo mind is razor-sharp, endlessly inquisitive, and with fine analytic skills. You dissect, decode, and deconstruct. You endlessly deduce, forever connecting the dots, spotting the mistakes of life. You filter reality through the lens of your intellect. Details seem…

Libra: Songs of the Zodiac

Libra is the diplomat, gracefully moving through life with the rhythm of balance and poise. The sign is represented by the scales, this curious inanimate object among the lively beasts and creatures of the zodiac. Not a lion’s roar, nor…

Sun in the 7th House

When the Sun is in the 7th house of your natal chart, it influences your life, your sense of destiny, and particularly your relationships with significant others. In astrology, this realm is associated with partnerships, relationships, and the way you…

Capricorn: Songs of the Zodiac

The sign of Capricorn is the embodiment of persistence, grit, and an almost supernatural ability to withstand life’s storms. If life were a mythical journey, Capricorn would be the wise, battle-scarred warrior scaling an impossible peak, unshaken by the howling…

Sun in the 10th House

The Sun in the 10th house is not the placement of the obscure, it gives the individual an unshakable sense of purpose. Work, career, reputation—these are the very scaffolding upon which they build their life. These are people who seek…