Moon in Cancer
Being in its own sign, Cancer gives more strength to the Moon. This placement offers a particularly intense illuminating experience. A person with this feature has unstable emotions, a vivid imagination, and a hypersensitive nervous system. It is more sensitive to hurt and pain, which might leave it brooding and irritable. When the Moon is in a powerful position in Cancer, you have remarkable insight into the past. But, in the here and now, one can be quite concerned with experiencing a sense of security, which is typically offered by one’s family, a stable employment, or a recognised place in one’s community. Cancer natives spend their time on the coast, where they rely on the stability of the rocks for protection from the elements and a lifestyle that bridges the gap between the sea and the land. Signs of the water element are responsible for all forms of nonverbal communication. Hence, the Moon in this sign is especially attuned to the underlying currents of emotion in the world around it. The Cancerian is known as the “Sensitive,” “has mediumistic powers,” and “follows their gut feelings,” which both elevates their psychic ability.
According to Alexander Ruperti,
The individual will limit the scope of his activities to some definite sphere, and within these established limits there will be a full and rich expression of emotions. Situations and people are judged idiosyncratically, according to his personal experience. He will therefore have difficulty in facing up to situations which present with elements beyond the limitations of that experience. A strong memory is regarded to emotional wounds can lead to brooding and moodiness.
Psychologist Alder believes that one of the most useful tools for learning about a person’s life philosophy or fundamental personality functioning can be found in their earliest memories (which are governed by the Moon). As you think of the women in your life, especially your mother or other female role models (who are ruled by the lunar half of the chart), how do they shape your view of what it is to be a woman? You do have a very potent Moon in your chart; did any of their characteristics, behaviourisms, or beliefs cling to you like a crab? You’re aware of the range of your emotions, including the hidden ones you’d rather not own up to.
Emotions play a role in memory formation. A stronger emotional impact or a more painful experience increases the likelihood that one will remember the event. It’s crucial to remind the astrology student that there’s no such thing as a purely one type of Moon sign in Moon delineations. Even if the Moon is in its own sign in a given chart, its influence will be modified, reduced, or amplified by its relationship to the other planetary bodies. That’s why no Moon sign can exert its full influence on its own.
All tears, even the ones you shed because you’re overjoyed, have their origins in sadness. Whenever you cry, no matter how joyful you are, you’re remembering a time when you felt helpless and afraid. Many powerful lunar people, as well as watery types in general, frequently engage in pacifying behaviours related to the Moon in order to distract themselves from anxiety, such as stroking their faces, necks, or hair, or engaging in oral pacifying behaviours like chewing gum, smoking cigarettes, eating more food, drinking more warm beverages, and playing with watches, bracelets, or keychains.
A woman who wrote a book about domestic bliss described how she had been socially shunned for her extreme adherence to domestic traditions. The hostess who made hand-rolled pasta for the dinner discovered the hard way that some guests are irritated by the effort put into the food and would not eat it if they perceive it to be too labor-intensive. In the nursery school where her son was enrolled, one mother made the mistake of spending hours sewing a costume out of metallic cloth for her child’s Halloween costume, earning her the disdain and suspicion of the other mothers, who gave her some hard stares as they walked by with their children who were wearing store-bought costumes. Be careful that your overly maternal energy doesn’t rub others the wrong way, while most of us would find it utterly tender and caring, as evidenced by the fact that most people appreciate a mother’s care when she bakes fresh cookies and serves them with a glass of milk, when she wraps you in an extra blanket, or when she goes out of her way to prepare a special meal.
According to Liz Greene, lunar types and Cancerians are particularly likely to struggle against their mothers’ influence. In this case, the crab represents ancient Cancer, who places a premium on the maternal role and views the paternal figure as little more than a source of offspring. Cancer’s more primitive side fights against the ego’s right to think for itself and make independent decisions, much like the archetypal Truly terrible Mother would sooner fight and kill her offspring than let them escape her dominance.
Also, all mother complexes can be traced back to the mother archetype. The mother is often the first prominent female figure a child encounters and comes to identify with. She may also inspire disgust and contempt if she does not allow the child to find his or her own unique path in life. Inundate the child with so much love that he or she will feel unable to escape. When you put it all together, you can see why people have strange reactions when you exert too much maternal energy or try too hard when you tell them you cooked cookies and sewed the costumes.