Year: 2015

Progressed Moon in 12th House

When the Progressed Moon moves through the 12th house it is usually leading us towards collective moods, transcendent states, and psychic feelings. This whole period could represent a time when we pick up all sorts of emotions, both positive and…


Question: Can We Ever Change Our Horoscopes?

The belief in a connection between the movements of celestial bodies and human destiny has been ingrained in various cultures throughout history, reflecting a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of the universe. This is often encapsulated in the aphorism “as…

The Zodiac Glyphs

The Twelve signs of the zodiac are said to constitute the blueprint of the universe, containing the essence of all possible experience. We are familiar enough with these symbols and how they reveal mankind’s nature, throughout all its shades and…

Pluto: The Bad Guy?

As Catwoman once remarked to Batman: “You are the night, just like me. We’re not afraid of the dark  – we come alive in it, we’re’ thrilled by it.” Catwoman’s insightful remark to Batman beautifully captures the essence of their…