In astrology, Saturn gets a bad rap for being a stick-in-the-mud. ‘Rules! Responsibility! Booo!’ Some might dismiss Saturn as restrictive, a damper on spontaneity. It seems to hold us back. But here’s the key: Saturn is like your internal governing…
Venus-Pluto: The “Intense” Relationship, Confronting Body Shaming, and Modern Love Perspectives
When astrologers, those seers of the soul, gaze upon the aspects between Venus and Pluto, it’s not just a matter of cold, mathematical angles. The reason astrologers often resort to colorful, artistic, and even dramatic descriptions of these contacts lies…...
The four classic elements — Water, Earth, Air, and Fire — aren’t just symbols of nature; they also have profound psychological meanings. When Water and Earth, or Air and Fire, oppose each other in an astrological birth chart, things get…
Individuals with a prominent Venus-Neptune aspect in their astrological charts are considered the ultimate romantics, deeply immersed in the realm of love, dreams, and fantasies. This combination signifies a heightened sensitivity and a profound belief in the purest form of…...
The Uranus-themed aspects in relationships bring to mind a particular aspect, which, according to Liz Greene, remains unconscious in my chart. I’ve got this heavy inclination to keep people happy. There’s a noticeable desire towards people-pleasing in me; I derive…
In relationships, the interplay between intimacy and detachment is a dynamic that has been explored by psychologists and often popularized through concepts like the closeness versus space dilemma. This dichotomy is frequently referenced in astrology textbooks, particularly when discussing aspects involving Venus…...
Individuals with Venus-Saturn aspects often experience a struggle between love, skepticism, and fear. These aspects can make them inherently cautious and reserved when it comes to matters of the heart. The skepticism arises from a deep-seated fear of rejection and…...
The Venus-Jupiter aspect, often characterized by its big love and generous nature, holds a the kind of charm that can make individuals with this aspect highly amorous and affectionate. It is thought to bring about a heightened sense of warmth…...
When the god of love, Venus, and the god of war, Mars, converge through their Venus-Mars aspect, it sets the stage for a tumultuous yet intensely passionate love affair. This brings forth a unique blend of fervor and conflict, where…...
When Mercury and Venus form an aspect on the birth chart, it significantly influences an individual’s perception, focusing their mind on appreciating beauty, harmony, and the pleasant aspects of life. As a result, those with this aspect tend to have…...
With the Moon in aspect to Venus, your soul craves warmth, harmony, and the elusive sensation of everything being splendidly “alright.” The Moon represents your emotional core, the raw, unguarded bits you keep tenderly hidden. Venus, on the other hand,…...
When the Sun is in aspect to Venus, it signifies a harmonious blend of solar vitality and Venusian beauty, creating an embodiment of the exquisite energy associated with Venus, reminiscent of the goddess Aphrodite herself. This celestial connection elevates self-expression,…...