
Capricorn in the Horoscope

Being born under the zodiacal sign of Capricorn bestows upon individuals a position at the zenith of the astrological chart. This sets the stage for a life journey characterized by the ascent of social and personal development. While the path…

Capricorn’s Realism

We have all read about Capricorn’s realism, but where does it come from? What is the meaning of such pragmatism, level-headedness, and sensibleness? Capricorn represents such an earthly wisdom, and they size up any project to see if it can…

Capricorn: Songs of the Zodiac

The sign of Capricorn is the embodiment of persistence, grit, and an almost supernatural ability to withstand life’s storms. If life were a mythical journey, Capricorn would be the wise, battle-scarred warrior scaling an impossible peak, unshaken by the howling…


Capricorn, the mountain goat, has a heart of granite and a head full of future plans. There’s something inherently admirable about their approach to life: cautious yet relentless, grounded yet ambitious. They are the personification of progress with purpose, never…

Capricorn Quotes

To say the least, Capricorn is a very pragmatic sign. Even in such a romantic situation as marriage, Capricorn will examine the prospective union from more angles than the heart. As much as he may care for his bride-to-be, a member…