
The Transits: Some Advice

In astrological terms, transits relate to a planet travelling through the sky at a specific time over a sensitive degree in the chart being studied. The planets’ aspects to natal planets or angles work as energy combinations, harmonic or discordant,…...

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Own Death Transits? It’s Not What You Think!

You believe that your own death will involve Pluto transits in some way because Plutonian aspects, after all, indicate death and, more precisely, a time when one chapter closes, another opens, and you enter a new phase of life. The…...

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12th house Transits: Working Problems Out

When you have planets transit the 12th house, these influences can mainly speak of the effects on your subconscious mind, psychological growth, hidden fears, and complexes within you. During these transitions, anything in the psyche or your inner being is…...

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12th House Transits: Deep Diving

Question: What does a planet do when it transits to the 12th house? What are its effects and how do you deal with its energy? The transits to the 12th house often resist easy labeling for this realm represents by…...

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Are You Using the Wrong Orbs for Transits? Discover the Right Ones Now!

A transit undergoes various stages of development, each contributing to its unique journey and significance. The journey begins with the initiation phase. During this stage, the transit’s energies start to make themselves known, subtly influencing the individual or situation it…...

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Movements in the Heavens: Minor Transits

The celestial dance of planets around the Sun is a choreography that begins at the very inception of our lives. From the moment we take our first breath, the cosmic bodies embark on their perpetual orbits, tracing patterns in the…...

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Transits: Astrology and Prediction

Question: Why do some transits have more impact than others for particular people? The way transits are felt for various folks is something commonly analyzed by astrologers. Individually, we often build ourselves up in anticipation over a “big” transit heading…

Astrology Forecasting

The principle of synchronicity, an idea popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, suggests that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. In astrology, this manifests as the belief that the…

Passages Versus Astrology

Important changes and turning points in our life are referred to as “transits” in astrological jargon. Transitioning from a known and comfortable environment into one that is unfamiliar and challenging is what a planetary transit symbolises. Almost every change compels…