With Neptune in the fourth house, any “nest” you make needs to be Neptunian. In a nutshell, that means dreamy. There are homes you walk into and immediately feel calmer and more open emotionally and psychically. Achieving that “look” is…...
Plutonian topics are by definition, nervous subjects we talk about carefully, if at all: sex, disease, death, money, aging. In social relations, we approach them with great diplomacy and almost Oriental indirectness-or with the marvelous, buffering illusions of emotional honesty…...
Ostensibly we all choose our friends- unlike family, those are voluntary relationships. But friendship, like deeper forms of intimacy, is partly karmic too. We have evolutionary business with people who seem to be inexplicable “choices.” With Pluto in the seventh…...
Pluto is harbinger of transformation, lurking like a shadow in the astrological depths. Pluto doesn’t just knock on the door of your psyche; it rips it off its hinges, exposing everything you’ve tried so hard to tuck away neatly. A…...
Power and transformation enter your life via your creative means of expression or romantic involvements. With the former, artwork, hobbies or drama can be quite heavy, death-defying or macabre. You wouldn’t just paint pretty pictures for instance; you’d really be…...
Question: Once I turned 27 and left my ex-husband, I knew I was going to need a year or three to just explore. To figure out who I was without him, to discover what I actually liked and didn’t like…....
Question: Mars in aspect to Neptune interpretations are just strange. They range from it being vulnerable and seducible. Or it spirals into the desire for the ineffable and the magical. It may develop sex, narcotic and alcohol addictions. It is…...
The chief characteristic of the typical Aquarian at the highly evolved stage is his extraordinary breadth of vision. He is absolutely unbiased and open-minded, and without a taint of prejudice or superstition of any kind. He is willing to learn…...
It is said that no one can stand before the statue known as the Apollo Belvedere without instinctively straightening his shoulders and drawing himself up to his full stature. The fully developed Leonian has something of the same effect upon…...
Taureans are strong, consistent and enduring people with great inner vitality and resilience. Their impulse is to build, to create form, harmony and structure in whatever they do. They are lovers of ‘beauty’ in all its guises, exalted, exalted in…...
The highly evolved Cancerian is the master of many moods, both in himself and others; for when he has fully developed the faculty of expression he is the musician to whose piping all the world must dance. His true function…...
The Grand Trine is a triangular aspect pattern involving three or more planets separated by an angle of 120 degrees (trine) each. The relevant planets are situated in signs of the same element and, due to the harmonious nature of…...