
Moon in Pisces: Astoundingly Psychic

The Moon in Pisces – it’s as if we’ve wandered into a dream spun by the universe itself. Trying to capture it with words feels like bottling a rainbow. It’s a dance between mysticism and the ineffable, where reality mingles…...

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Scorpio: Hatred

Does Scorpio have a connection to hatred? The Scorpion’s sting is lethal, unrelenting, and, in many ways, misunderstood. Scorpio, with its dark depths and intensity, doesn’t simply experience feelings in a casual, surface-level way. Scorpios dive headfirst into the abyss…...

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Mercury in Cancer: The Intuitive Thinker

In astrology, Mercury is often regarded as the planet that governs communication, intellect, and the exchange of information. Typically, Mercury favors clarity and precision, thriving in environments where logic and rationality are paramount. Its natural disposition leans towards a straightforward,…...

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Is Libra Too Nice?

Question: Is there anything not nice about Libra? Entering the sign of Libra is akin to stepping into a realm of harmony and civility, where the currency of niceness flows freely and abundantly. For Librans, being amiable isn’t superficial; it’s…...

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In Leo, then, articulate and conscious life commences; here, it may be said, man leaps upon the stage of action. What before the unconscious becomes conscious. It is this inclusion of divine fire, of life, which constitutes the “I-ness” of…...

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Capricorn: The Deal Made

As a Capricorn, your approach to professional goals is marked by a singular intensity, which might sometimes come across as obsessive or overly ambitious to others. Your steadfast focus can be intimidating to those around you, who may mistakenly interpret…...

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Virgo is the sign of the virgin, but you can’t take the symbolism too literally. I can assure you that a September birthday is no guarantee of virginity. Although lots of Virgos remain bachelors and spinsters, there are also plenty…...

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Cancer: The Dark Side of the Moon

As a Cancer, you are often regarded as the lunar child, as you are naturally drawn towards your planetary ruler, the Moon. Just like the tides ebb and flow under the Moon’s gravitational pull, so do your emotions and those…...

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Sun – Pluto Invisibility

Question: I have Sun in square to Pluto natally. Why do I suffer from this feeling of being invisible and feel like hell most of the time? Having the Sun square Pluto in your natal chart is like living with…...

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