Solar and Full Moon Membership Articles

Sun-Uranus Quotes: You Are Entitled to Think and Live the Way You Like – As Long as You’re Willing to Bear the Results

The individuality is toned by excitable, unpredictable, and self-centered Uranian vibration. The individual is often unusually creative in a variety of activities, but he or she often finds it difficult to settle down into any one field of specialization since…...

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What Transit Triggers Ego Death?

Question: What transit triggers ego death? I’ve been researching this and I’m really curious. I think my experience of ego death actually started when Pluto crossed over my Ascendant, squared my IC and MC, and, of course, opposed my DSC…....

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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Capricorn: You Can Be a Person With a Soul and Also Be Interested in Worldly Success

Question: My observations have led me to the conclusion that Capricorns place a priority on security and the provision of all their material necessities. Worrying about being ‘unsafe’ and avoid taking risks that could compromise their safety because of it…....

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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Pluto Aspects: The Return to Innocence

Question: I have very significant Pluto aspects in my natal chart. I was abused as a child. I’ve found it hard being at university around young people who are able to be naive and innocent about life, I feel a…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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A Planet in the 8th House: Gets Into the Same Situations Over and Over. It Has to Do With Its Connection to the Dead!

Question: What would you say about planets in the 8th house? The 8th house—what a mystical cauldron of power, transformation, and, let’s be honest, a sprinkle of chaos. It’s the house that rules over all those things we secretly dread…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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