The individuality is toned by excitable, unpredictable, and self-centered Uranian vibration. The individual is often unusually creative in a variety of activities, but he or she often finds it difficult to settle down into any one field of specialization since…...
Question: What transit triggers ego death? I’ve been researching this and I’m really curious. I think my experience of ego death actually started when Pluto crossed over my Ascendant, squared my IC and MC, and, of course, opposed my DSC…....
The acquisition of possessions is extremely important to the subject, who will feel a great sense of pride in showing these off on every possible occasion. He or she will not simply want to gloat over an ever-increasing bank balance…...
If you have the Sun in the 12th house, you are most likely a very private person, someone who needs quite a bit of “down” time to recharge your batteries. Almost everyone needs seclusion occasionally, but with the Sun in…...
When Pluto transits over Venus, it might lead to a temporary obsession with love. This can manifest as relentless dreaming about someone or spending an excessive amount of time pursuing them. While the depiction of obsessive love can seem dark…...
Question: My observations have led me to the conclusion that Capricorns place a priority on security and the provision of all their material necessities. Worrying about being ‘unsafe’ and avoid taking risks that could compromise their safety because of it…....
Question: I’ve done some research on Grand Trines, but I still have a question. What if a Grand Trine in the chart is made up of angles as well rather than just planets? Ascendant – Sun – Moon, for example…....
Question: Please help me and tell me how Venus in Cancer is romantically? I am very unsure how much re-assurance these people need, in romance – and how much would be “too much too soon.” Any thoughts? With Venus in…...
Question: I have very significant Pluto aspects in my natal chart. I was abused as a child. I’ve found it hard being at university around young people who are able to be naive and innocent about life, I feel a…...
Uranus in the 5th House Quotes: The Fireworks of Love: Loves Craziness, Variety, and Flirting!
Liz: Shall we look at Uranus in the 5th and 11th? What is this axis really about? Audience: Participation. Creation. Liz: These are excellent definitions of the 11th and the 5th as separate houses. But at its core, the axis…...
When Mars is progressed to Saturn, it suggests a period marked by significant challenges and demands that necessitate a strong display of determination and grit. It typically heralds a time when you’re required to engage in hard work and potentially…...
Question: What would you say about planets in the 8th house? The 8th house—what a mystical cauldron of power, transformation, and, let’s be honest, a sprinkle of chaos. It’s the house that rules over all those things we secretly dread…...