The period of Pluto’s passage through the zodiac sign Virgo, from 1956 to 1972, was a time of significant cultural and societal changes. Astrologers often associate the movement of planets like Pluto with transformative events and shifts in human consciousness. In the context of this time frame, the development and widespread use of the contraceptive pill symbolize several important aspects of the era. Virgo is traditionally associated with qualities such as practicality, health, and a keen attention to detail. During Pluto’s transit through Virgo, these qualities were accentuated and manifested in various ways. The development of the contraceptive pill can be seen as an embodiment of Virgo’s practical and health-focused characteristics, particularly in relation to women’s reproductive health. This innovation offered women a degree of control over their reproductive choices, giving them greater independence and the ability to plan their lives with more precision.

Uranus and Pluto (aligning at this time) are both considered transformative and revolutionary planets in astrology. The combination of Uranus and Pluto aspects often signifies major societal changes and revolutions. During this period, the development and widespread availability of the contraceptive pill represented a revolutionary shift in attitudes towards sexuality. It allowed for a more open and liberated expression of one’s sexuality, as individuals could engage in sexual activity with a reduced fear of unplanned pregnancies. This change in sexual dynamics aligned with the transformative energies of Uranus and Pluto.

The increased freedom in sexual expression, while liberating, also came with its own set of challenges. With a more permissive attitude towards sexual activity, there was a growing awareness of the risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This period marked the beginning of more comprehensive education and awareness campaigns surrounding STDs, which led to an increased emphasis on safe sex practices and regular medical check-ups. This reflected the practical and health-oriented attributes of Virgo.

Pluto’s influence encourages deep transformation and exploration of the self and the surrounding world. During its passage through Virgo, there was a growing interest in the connection between the human psyche and the physical environment. This era saw the emergence of ecological movements, holistic health practices, and a greater emphasis on the mind-body connection. People became more conscious of how their mental and emotional well-being could impact their physical health.

During Pluto’s passage through Virgo from 1956 to 1972, it ushered in a significant shift in the way society approached various aspects related to Virgo’s domains, including labor, health, and daily routines. This period was marked by several transformative developments and societal changes. Pluto’s influence led to a reevaluation of traditional work structures and daily routines. People began to question the efficiency and fairness of labor practices. This era witnessed a growing interest in efficiency and streamlining of work processes. It saw the emergence of new technologies that aimed to improve productivity and reduce manual labor. This transformation in the workplace was reflective of Virgo’s practical and detail-oriented nature.

As Pluto transited through Virgo, there was an increasing awareness of the planet’s limited natural resources and the environmental damage caused by industrialization. This period marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement, with a focus on conservation, reducing waste, and sustainable living. People became more conscientious about how their daily routines and consumption habits impacted the planet, aligning with Virgo’s concerns for health and the environment.

The increase in self-help book sales during this time period reflects a growing interest in personal development and well-being. Virgo’s influence on health and self-improvement was notable, and people sought guidance on how to lead healthier, more balanced lives. This era saw the rise of self-help gurus and motivational speakers who offered guidance on topics related to cleanliness, health, and personal growth.

The publication of “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan in 1963 was a seminal moment in the feminist movement. The book argued that women should not be solely dependent on males and should have opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment beyond traditional gender roles. This challenged societal norms and contributed to the feminist wave of the 1960s and 1970s, reflecting a shift in how society viewed the roles and rights of women, and this transformation was in line with Virgo’s energy.

Despite the advancements in technology and lifestyle changes, Pluto’s passage through Virgo also highlighted deficiencies in services and systems. The increased focus on practicality and health revealed shortcomings in areas such as healthcare, education, and social services. This led to demands for reforms and improvements in various sectors, as people recognized that technological progress alone could not address all societal needs.

“The people of the 1960s weren’t yet aware of what the “Atom Bomb” had really done, what pollution would mean, what a disgusting world was being created. They were too busy watching everything beautiful. It was foretaste, according to Nostradamus, of what would come again much later. In addition, there was a most interesting and unusual planetary conjunction in the heavens of the 1960s, a Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo, the sign of daily life, natural law, and the cycles of nature. This conjunction reflected a period of radical change in thinking about the quality of daily life and certainly can be tied with the whole concept of “flower-power”. Nostradamus: The Millennium and Beyond

Black People on the Buses

The government court’s decision to outlaw racial segregation on public buses in 1956, coinciding with Pluto’s entry into Virgo at 0 degrees, was a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement and reflected the profound impact of astrological energies during this period. Pluto’s entry into Virgo marked a transformative phase in the way society approached issues related to health, labor, and daily routines. Racial segregation on public buses was a blatant violation of equality and human rights, and the decision to desegregate was met with significant challenges. Black individuals heavily relied on the bus service for their daily commute to work, and white municipal officials attempted to thwart the desegregation efforts by any means possible. This included prosecuting black-owned cab services that offered affordable transportation alternatives.

The transit of Neptune through Scorpio, which is the sign ruled by Pluto, also played a significant role in this period. Neptune is associated with the dissolving of boundaries and the unveiling of hidden truths. In the context of the civil rights movement, Neptune’s influence in Scorpio might have contributed to the exposure of the deeply entrenched racial segregation and discrimination that had persisted for so long. It brought to light the need for profound societal change and the erosion of barriers that had long kept people apart based on their race.

The transit of Jupiter through Libra at 0 degrees was symbolic of a period of growth through justice and equality. Jupiter represents expansion and the pursuit of higher ideals. In Libra, it emphasized the importance of fairness and balance. The decision to desegregate public buses aligned with the pursuit of justice and equality, as it sought to rectify long-standing racial injustices. This transit encouraged a broader societal focus on civil rights and the quest for a more just and equal society.

The era surrounding the desegregation of public buses was marked by numerous racial clashes and failed attempts at negotiation. The transition towards racial equality was met with resistance from those who sought to maintain the status quo of segregation. Violent incidents and confrontations occurred as tensions flared between supporters of desegregation and those who resisted change.

Social Unrest

The assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1963 was a tragic and deeply significant event in American history, and it occurred during a time when astrological energies seemed to mirror the upheaval and transformation of that era. The conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo during this period was a rare astrological alignment that symbolized significant change and upheaval. Uranus is associated with unexpected events, political leaders, and unconventional disruptions, while Pluto often represents transformation, including both death and rebirth. The influence of this conjunction was felt in various aspects of society, including politics.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a shocking and unexpected event, reflecting the Uranian themes of unexpected occurrences and disruptions. Kennedy’s death had a significant impact on the nation, as he symbolized vivacious optimism and progress to a new generation of Americans. His presidency was associated with a sense of hope and change, making his assassination all the more poignant.

The assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. in the same year further underscored the transformative and tumultuous nature of the time. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a prominent figure in the civil rights movement, and his work was closely aligned with the themes of change, justice, and equality represented by Uranus. His tragic death on the balcony of his motel was a devastating loss and a stark reminder of the challenges and resistance to societal change.

The early 1960s were indeed a time when various aspects of society were receptive to change. The civil rights movement was gaining momentum, challenging the deeply entrenched racial segregation and discrimination in the United States. The natural world also became a focal point, with increasing awareness of environmental issues and the need for conservation. Politically, the Kennedy administration was marked by its efforts to promote progress and address pressing societal concerns.

New Wave of Astrologers

The late 1960s and 1970s indeed saw the emergence of several influential modern astrologers, such as Liz Greene, Stephen Arroyo, Robert Hand, and many others. This period coincided with the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, which was a time of significant astrological and cultural change. The conjunction of Uranus and Pluto is a rare and powerful aspect in astrology. It signifies transformative and revolutionary energies that bring about significant societal and personal changes. This conjunction occurred in Virgo during the late 1960s and early 1970s, a time when the focus was on practicality, health, and personal development.

The emergence of influential modern astrologers during this period can be seen as a reflection of the transformative energies of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Astrologers like Liz Greene, Stephen Arroyo, and Robert Hand brought new perspectives and methodologies to the field of astrology. They contributed to a more psychological and humanistic approach to astrology, moving beyond traditional predictive methods.

The late 1960s and 1970s were also a time of technological advancement. It was during this period that people started using public-domain astrology software, which facilitated the calculation of birth charts and the interpretation of astrological aspects. This technological development helped make astrology more accessible to a wider audience and contributed to the growth of interest in the subject.

In his book “Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The Inner Aspects of the Birth Chart,” Stephen Arroyo recounts how his journey into astrology commenced during a period when the planets Uranus and Pluto were closely aligned in Virgo, forming an exact aspect to his natal Uranus.

The great changes that occurred under the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960s and the emergence of ‘New Age’ thought. Rudhyar coined the term ‘transpersonal astrology’, injecting judiciously selected elements of Jungian psychology into what is essentially Alice Bailey’s Theosophical framework of the evolution of the soul, and emphasising the possibility of spiritual freedom from what he calls the ‘socio-cultural patterns of the past’. This is a quasi-psychological, quasi-spiritual astrology expressed in the 20th century language of New Age culture, which still proves inspirational to a great many astrologers, particularly in America. Liz Greene

Further Reading: Three Conjunctions of Uranus-Pluto by Dane Rudhyar