Coldest Day Recorded

tumblr_mxstecnOh71sqwh2mo1_500Here I am, bundled up like a Russian nesting doll in the heart of this cold British winter. Yesterday, I had to embark on a journey across treacherous black ice. My legs are now throbbing like they’ve been through the wringer. You know, our weather’s been doing this funny thing lately. First, it’s all frigid, and then it teases us with some rain, which, naturally, turns everything into a skating rink. Us Brits, we can’t resist a good natter about the weather, even though our weather woes are nothing compared to some other places. Did you know that the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at Vostok Station in Antarctica? I mean, we’re talking a bone-chilling -128.6°F (-89.2°C). The Sun was hanging out in Cancer at 28 degrees, forming a perfect square with Saturn. Saturn and Pluto were forming a conjunction, and Jupiter and Uranus decided to join up in Sagittarius. Talk about an icy soirée! Now, I’m not saying these planets were the culprits behind the cold snap, but it certainly seems like they were having a bit of a get-together. So there you have it, a wintry, chilly, frosty atmosphere brought to you by the stars and planets themselves.

Jupiter-Uranus contacts are often seen as harbingers of breakthroughs, new world records, and significant discoveries. Then we’ve got the Saturn-Pluto combination, which, I’ve got to admit, is a formidable warning. It’s got those impenetrable defenses, and it’s not one to mess with. When Saturn and Pluto team up, you better brace yourself, because things are about to get heavy and intense. But, here’s the thing, there’s something oddly beautiful about the cold, the pain, and the starkness of winter. It’s nature’s way of showing us that even in the harshest conditions, there’s still beauty to be found. A snowy landscape, with its crisp, white canvas, can be absolutely stunning.

Astronomers often sing praises of Saturn for its photogenic qualities, considering it the most beautiful planet in our solar system. It’s got those mesmerizing rings. So, Saturn’s got its own personal charm, and it can definitely give Venus a run for its money in the beauty department.

If you’re looking to document the weather in your local area with perfect accuracy and scientific rigor, you may want to adopt a weather reporting system that I happened to share with the author Mary Roach. This systematic approach will ensure accurate full weather records.

This consists of a) opening the bedroom window, and b) sticking my arm out and waving it around. It is important to wave it around, so as to get a proper air sample and to keep the neighbors wondering. My Planet: Finding Humor in the Oddest Places


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