1. When we delve into myth and the whims of the deities, particularly Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, we encounter a more complex, sometimes contradictory narrative about love and its impact on human relationships. Venus, revered for her enchanting beauty and her power to ignite passionate love, presents an intriguing paradox. While she symbolizes love and attraction, her influence, as depicted in various myths, often transcends the boundaries of moral conventions and societal norms. The arrows of Cupid, her son, famed for sparking uncontrollable desires, do not always foster the kind of love that leads to the stability and commitment of marriage. Instead, these arrows are just as likely to inspire lustful attractions, indiscriminate of whether their targets are already committed to another. Such attractions, driven by compulsion rather than genuine affection or moral consideration, can pose a threat to the sanctity of marriage.

In myth, Venus is frequently depicted as inimical to marriage, emphasizing an ancient understanding of love as a potent and occasionally disruptive force. Traditional astrologers often emphasize that individuals, especially women, born under Taurus or Libra strongly embody Venusian qualities. There’s a cautionary note to be wary of them, as they are believed to carry the energy akin to Aphrodite.

Believe it or not, old astrology textbooks include cautionary advice against allowing a Taurus or Libran woman “into our life, near our men.” It reflects the fear of love’s power to disrupt or undermine the foundations upon which societal structures, like marriage, are built. At its core, love is a multifaceted emotion, capable of evoking both profound joy and potential turmoil. Be cautious, the goddess is in the house!

2. The astrological sway of Venus, reigning over both Taurus and Libra, coupled with the notion of safeguarding our men from these potentially perilous goddesses, unfolds the dual rulership. Both signs encapsulate the essence of love through both the physical, earthy manifestations and the abstract, airier conceptualizations, offering a view of the ways in which love can be experienced and expressed.

Taurus: The Earth of Venus

Taurus, an Earth sign ruled by Venus, emphasizes the physical, sensual aspects of love. This sign brings Venus’s influence down to the most tangible expressions, where love is experienced through the senses—touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. They often express their affection in very concrete ways, valuing stability, loyalty, and the comforts of physical closeness. Their love language may include gift-giving, creating a cozy home environment, and indulging in shared sensory experiences with their partners.

However, this strong desire for security and material comfort can sometimes manifest as possessiveness or jealousy. The Taurian love, deeply rooted in the physical world, can lead to an intense attachment to their loved ones and a fear of loss, which in turn may result in overly protective or controlling behaviors. This is the shadow side of Taurus’s expression of love, born from the very human fear of change and loss.

Libra: The Air of Venus

Libra, on the other hand, embodies the airy, intellectual aspect of Venus’s rulership. This Air sign seeks harmony, balance, and beauty in relationships, prioritizing the ideals of partnership and cooperation. Librans are drawn to the aesthetics of love—the art of romance, the beauty of a harmonious relationship, and the pursuit of fairness and justice within partnerships.

In this realm, love is often idealized, and Librans may seek a relationship that aligns with their conceptual ideals of perfect harmony and aesthetic pleasure. Their approach to love is more theoretical, focusing on balance, equality, and mutual respect. However, this can sometimes lead to challenges when the reality of a relationship does not meet these idealized expectations, or when the desire for harmony leads to avoidance of necessary conflicts and confrontations.

Venus: The Convergence of Earth and Air

Venus’s dual rulership over Taurus and Libra illustrates the full spectrum of love’s expression, from the most concrete to the most abstract. It shows us that love can be both a physical expression and a shared idea, a sensuous experience, and a beautiful ideal. Each sign offers valuable insights into the ways we give and receive love, reminding us of the importance of balancing our earthly desires with our higher aspirations.

3. The influence of Venus in astrology encompasses the very essence of attraction and desire. Often referred to as the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, Venus symbolizes the magnetic pull that draws individuals together. This force, akin to an aphrodisiac, is not only about the physical allure but also about the deeper, often subconscious attractions that guide our romantic inclinations. It’s this seductive power of Venus that can lead us, time and again, toward certain types of partners, sometimes even those who might not be the best match for us.

Venus’s role in our chart symbolizes the unique qualities or energies that draw us towards certain people, compelling us in ways that we might not fully understand. Astrologer Howard Sasportas says that, while Venus plays a significant role in shaping our attractions, we are not helpless under its sway. By becoming aware of our astrological predispositions—our “astrological love type”—we can begin to understand why we are drawn to certain individuals and, more importantly, recognize patterns in our relationships that may not serve our highest good.

For instance, if one finds that their Venus in Scorpio draws them towards intense, sometimes tumultuous relationships, this awareness can empower them to seek out partners who offer the depth and passion they crave but in a more balanced and healthy dynamic. Similarly, a Venus in Libra individual might recognize their desire for harmony and partnership but also learn to assert boundaries and ensure their needs are met without sacrificing their well-being for the sake of peace.

This awareness empowers us to make more conscious choices in love. Instead of being unconsciously pulled toward the same type of partner over and over, potentially leading to cycles of unfulfilling or problematic relationships, we can start to steer our hearts in healthier directions. 

“Venus’ sign, and also the house it is in and any planet it aspects, gives us insight into what a person is turned on by. Life is not always this simple however. Some people are afraid to be turned on, because it puts them in an open and vulnerable position. So if you’re fearful of desiring something because of the exposure or vulnerability that comes with admitting to your longings, you actually might be repelled or put off by the very qualities which Venus suggests may turn you on. If you’re frightened of being rejected, spurned or hurt, or if you generally feel guilty about pleasure, you may defend yourself against what you find attractive or beautiful by making an about-face and deeming it repellant or undesirable.”

4. Venus, often heralded as the epitome of love, beauty, and attraction in astrology plays a pivotal role in shaping our attitudes towards romance and the types of partners we find ourselves drawn to. This celestial body, symbolizing erotic love and partnership, casts a powerful influence on our romantic inclinations and preferences, guiding us, often subconsciously, towards those we find irresistibly attractive.

Venus and Romantic Attraction

Venus’s placement in the natal chart provides deep insights into an individual’s love language, the qualities they cherish in a partner, and how they express affection. For instance, Venus in fiery Aries may seek excitement and spontaneity in relationships, valuing independence and courage. In contrast, Venus in water sign Cancer might prioritize emotional security and nurturing, seeking a partner who offers warmth and protection. The Venusian energy in our charts guides us towards those who resonate with our deepest desires for love and connection. 

5. Love, in its myriad forms, influences not only our immediate emotional states but also our aspirations, behaviors, and ultimately, our identities. From a psychological standpoint, the people we love and the relationships we cherish act as mirrors, reflecting our desires, fears, and potentials. In loving someone, we are often drawn to qualities we admire or aspire to embody ourselves. For instance, someone might be attracted to a partner’s artistic talent or compassionate nature and, in turn, feel inspired to cultivate their creativity or empathy. This process, known as ‘identification,’ is a fundamental psychological mechanism through which we develop our personalities and values.

Moreover, the dynamics of a relationship can push individuals towards growth and self-improvement. The desire to be the best version of oneself for a partner or loved one can motivate changes in behavior, pursuits, and even life goals. In this way, love acts as a catalyst for personal development, shaping who we are and who we wish to become. Likely in this manner, Venus serves the Sun and the solar attributes in the chart. In loving another, we are inspired to reach our highest potential, seeking beauty, truth, and goodness both in ourselves and in the world around us. The people we love embody ideals and values that we admire, and our desire to connect with these qualities drives us towards self-improvement and self-actualization.

6. Venus, in astrological lore, holds significant sway over aspects of love, beauty, and personal worth. This planet’s influence extends beyond the realm of romantic relationships, touching the very core of our self-esteem and sense of value. Venus’s position in our birth chart can shed light on what we find beautiful, how we perceive love and affection, and importantly, how we gauge our own worthiness of receiving love.

Venus governs our appreciation for beauty and harmony, not just in the world around us but also within ourselves. When we feel aligned with Venusian energy, we are more likely to recognize and celebrate our own attractiveness and worth, both physically and emotionally. This recognition fuels our self-esteem, encouraging a positive self-image and a healthy sense of self-worth.

The desire to be loved and to feel worthy of affection is a universal human experience, deeply intertwined with Venusian energy. Venus reflects our capacity for love and connection, influencing how we give and receive affection. When this planet’s energies are balanced in our chart, we are more likely to form healthy, loving relationships that reinforce our sense of value and self-worth.

However, when Venus’s influence is challenged—by difficult aspects or transits—we might struggle with feeling lovable or attractive, which can impact our relationships and overall happiness. The conviction that we are loved is a key component of supreme happiness, making Venus’s role in our lives fundamentally tied to our emotional well-being.

Low self-worth is often a precursor to, as well as a consequence of, difficult relationships. Venusian energy, when imbalanced, can lead us into relationships that do not serve our highest good, reflecting our internal struggles with self-value.  To harness Venus’s positive influence on our self-esteem and relationships, it’s essential to cultivate self-love and recognize our inherent worth. Engaging in activities that make us feel beautiful and worthy, affirming our value to ourselves and others, and seeking relationships that uplift and respect us can help balance Venus’s energy in our lives. 

7. Venus is recognized as a benefic planet in astrology. It symbolizes aspects of life that bring us joy, happiness, and pleasure. Its association with love, beauty, harmony, and the finer things in life underlines the positive influences it can have on our emotional well-being and sense of fulfillment. Traditional astrologers pay close attention to Venus’s placement and aspects in the natal chart, as its condition can offer insights into an individual’s capacity for experiencing joy, their sense of self-worth, and their predisposition towards happiness or depression.

When Venus is well-placed and forms harmonious aspects with other planets, it indicates an innate ability to enjoy life, appreciate beauty, and maintain healthy relationships, which are key components of emotional well-being and happiness. People with such placements are often seen as charismatic, attractive, and capable of easily attracting love and affection, which further boosts their self-esteem and joy.

Conversely, when Venus is challenged—by hard aspects like squares, oppositions, or conjunctions with malefic planets—it might suggest difficulties in finding joy and satisfaction in relationships and personal pursuits. These astrological configurations can point to a tendency towards feelings of unworthiness, unfulfillment in love, and difficulties in experiencing pleasure, all of which can contribute to depressive states and low self-esteem.

In all truth, nearly everyone faces challenges to Venus, and while older astrologers may suggest that a challenged Venus indicates unhappiness, this isn’t necessarily true. Instead, it often points to recurring themes and challenges to overcome through aspects to Venus. For those with challenging Venus placements, the path to joy might involve conscious efforts to connect with Venusian qualities. This might involve immersing oneself in creative or artistic pursuits, addressing personal obstacles in relationships, and discovering beauty in the routines of everyday life. It might also involve working through any issues of self-worth or unfulfilling patterns in love through self-reflection, therapy, or other personal growth endeavors.

8. Venus, with its association with beauty, aesthetics, and harmony, governs professions and industries that cater to enhancing personal appearance, creating beauty, or evoking pleasure through the senses. In these professions, Venus’s influence is evident in the focus on creating, enhancing, or appreciating beauty and harmony, whether through art, design, or sensory experiences. Individuals attracted to or successful in these fields may find a strong Venusian presence in their astrological charts, indicating a natural affinity for Venus’s domains of love, beauty, and pleasure. 

9. Venus, known for its brilliance in the sky, holds the distinction of being both the Morning Star and the Evening Star, depending on its position relative to Earth and the Sun in its orbit. This dual aspect of Venus has fascinated humans for millennia, inspiring myths, poetry, and astronomical studies across various cultures.

When Venus rises before the Sun, it appears in the eastern sky at dawn, earning the title of the Morning Star, or “Lucifer,” which means “light-bringer” in Latin. In this phase, Venus heralds the coming of daylight, shining brightly and visible for a few hours before the Sun’s brightness overshadows it. The appearance of Venus as the Morning Star symbolizes new beginnings, renewal, and the awakening of consciousness in various mythological and astrological interpretations.

When Venus sets after the Sun, it becomes visible in the western sky at dusk, known as the Evening Star, or “Hesperus” in Greek mythology. In this role, Venus is the last to wish us goodnight, offering its beautiful and serene light after the Sun has set. The Evening Star aspect of Venus is often associated with reflection, beauty, and the soothing of spirits, marking the transition from day to night.

Throughout history, Venus’ dual role has been imbued with significant cultural and religious meanings. It has been worshiped as a deity in its own right in various civilizations, including the Romans (as Venus), the Greeks (as Aphrodite), and the ancient Mesopotamians (as Inanna and Ishtar). 

10. Liz Greene characterizes Venus as a “whore” in mythology. Venus is associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. In her unbridled, unabashed form, she is a deity unashamed of her physical beauty and desires. In ancient mythology, Aphrodite emerged fully grown and radiant from the sea, embodying the purity and sensuality of love. Venus’s association with earthly pleasures, love, and the celebration of the physical body unfolds without societal judgment or shame.

When you’re tapping into your Venus, you have got to go all in. Embrace your unabashed love energy, boost your self-esteem, recognize your own worth, celebrate the sensuous side of life, and don’t shy away from expressing love physically. It’s about honoring your body and saying, “I’m worth it!” Go on, love yourself  – that’s what Venus would do!