Venus: Love Notes

Venus—both the venerated and feared! She wields a power that makes us tremble, either with the flutter of adoration or the pulse of reckless desire. It’s no wonder those old astrology textbooks painted the Venusian archetype as one to be wary of, especially when it comes to the tender institution of marriage, where security and chaos are always at odds. Venus, the shimmering symbol of beauty, represents more than just those soft, doe-eyed glances across a crowded room. Her love—let’s face it—a little dangerous. She is not the tender matron gently guiding lovers toward the stable comforts of marital bliss. No, Venus is the siren, calling us toward something deeper and more volatile—an all-consuming passion that might lift you to the heavens one minute and have you questioning your life choices the next.

Believe it or not, old astrology textbooks include cautionary advice against allowing a Taurus or Libran woman into our life, near our men! It’s not that these women are particularly malicious or predatory, but they embody the same Venusian intensity. The Taurus woman, steadfast and indulgent, knows the power of her sensuality; and the Libran, with her grace and harmony, can disarm without even meaning to. 

Astrologically speaking, Venus is fickle. She plays by her own rules. The arrows of Cupid (her delightful, troublesome offspring) do not check for wedding bands or signed agreements. They pierce through the surface of decorum and plunge us into the depths of longing. And therein lies the true complexity of Venus: she stands at the crossroads of love and lust, devotion and obsession. These aren’t neat, separated realms—they bleed into each other, much like how the soft touch of attraction can cascade into something wild and untamable.

It’s a mythological lesson, I suppose. Venus teaches us that beauty, attraction, and love are powers—seductive and thrilling—but not to be played with lightly. We want love to be this sweet, predictable force, but as Venus would have it, love is just as likely to tip the scales toward chaos.

So, while the warnings of yesteryear tell us to be cautious of the Venusian women, perhaps what we really need to be cautious of is the part of ourselves that responds so strongly to love’s lure. The part of us that forgets love is not always about home and hearth—it’s about transformation. It’s about surrendering to something larger, something unpredictable. And sometimes, it’s about walking through the flames Venus lights, hoping we emerge a bit wiser, perhaps a little singed, but more alive than ever. So, yes, the goddess is in the house! But maybe instead of barring the door, we could learn to dance in the desire she brings. 

Taurus: The Earthly Realm of Love

Taurus, the sensuous, steadfast bull, pulls Venus’s energy down from the lofty clouds and anchors it firmly in the physical world. Here, love is not some airy-fairy abstract notion, it’s meat and bones, silk sheets and freshly baked bread. A Taurus doesn’t just think love—they taste it, they feel it under their fingertips. Love, to them, is best communicated through the physical senses: a lingering touch, the smell of home-cooked meals, the cozy refuge of a shared home. In the world of Taurus, love is about creating a safe haven where both partners can luxuriate in life’s pleasures.

But, of course, there’s a shadow that comes with this earthly approach. The flipside of Taurus’s love for stability and the comforts of attachment is the creeping sense of possessiveness. You see, when you’re that invested in the physical and material aspects of love, the thought of losing them feels like an existential threat. They cling a little tighter, guard their treasures a little more fiercely. If they aren’t careful, this deep-rooted desire for security can mutate into jealousy, their passion taking on a more territorial nature. It’s not that Taurus is doomed to be possessive, but their deep craving for permanence sometimes makes them forget that love, like life, is inherently unpredictable.

Libra: The Airy Ideal of Love

And then we have Libra, Venus’s second child, who floats along with love like a poet dreaming on a summer’s breeze. Here, love is less about holding and more about the idea of connection—the elegant dance of two souls in harmony. Libra sees love as a beautiful, balanced partnership, a work of art. It’s a relationship of respect, fairness, and shared ideals. These folks want everything to be just so, striving for balance and equilibrium in their relationships, much like an artist fine-tuning the hues on a canvas. In this airy domain, Venus’s influence isn’t about possessing love—it’s about appreciating it, crafting it into a relationship that looks and feels just right.

However, Libra’s pursuit of perfect harmony often becomes their Achilles’ heel. The reality of relationships is messy, filled with conflict and compromise, and the Libran heart can sometimes falter when faced with these imperfections. They might gloss over issues, avoiding conflict in favor of peace, or become so fixated on creating the ideal partnership that they struggle to embrace the messy reality of it. Love is a living thing, unpredictable and occasionally ugly, but Libra’s delicate sensibilities sometimes make them flinch from its less-than-ideal aspects.

Beauty and Pleasure

Venus, in her astrological role, is like a mirror reflecting our personal tastes in love, revealing not only the types of people we’re drawn to but also the qualities we find irresistible. And here’s the magic, and perhaps the mischief, of Venus: she doesn’t just work on the surface level. Sure, she governs physical attraction, the spark that lights when two people meet, but her deeper work happens beneath the skin, pulling from the subconscious desires, needs, and sometimes wounds, that drive our romantic inclinations.

Howard Sasportas says that Venus doesn’t make us helpless pawns in love’s game, but rather shows us where our tendencies lie. She invites us to ask why we keep ending up with the same type of partner, in the same sorts of dynamics, hoping that eventually, we might wake up and chart a new course.  Take the example of Venus in Scorpio, which, in astrological terms, often gets the reputation of being drawn to intensity—passionate, all-consuming relationships that burn like fire. Scorpio’s depths are intoxicating; it promises transformative love, one that strips away all pretense and brings us face-to-face with our innermost truths.

But it can also invite us into a maelstrom of jealousy, control, and power struggles, the kind of emotional intensity that can leave us feeling more scorched than illuminated. Knowing this, a person with Venus in Scorpio can begin to discern when they’re chasing the thrill of intensity at the cost of their emotional well-being. The goal, then, is to channel that need for depth and passion into relationships that offer both intensity and stability, a rare but worthy balancing act.

Contrast that with Venus in Libra, where the influence of Venus manifests as a craving for balance, harmony, and mutual respect in relationships. It’s an energy that values beauty, not just in the aesthetic sense, but in the way two people come together in graceful partnership. However, this pursuit of peace can sometimes lead to a dangerous willingness to overlook personal needs for the sake of avoiding conflict. The Libran ideal of love is so focused on equilibrium that it risks tipping into passivity, where personal desires are shelved in the name of keeping the scales balanced. But with awareness, Venus in Libra can empower someone to create relationships where harmony doesn’t come at the expense of their own voice.

What Venus really offers us, once we peek behind her dazzling curtain, is the chance to better understand why we love the way we do and to break free from patterns that don’t serve our highest good. It’s not just about identifying your “type”—though that’s certainly a fun part—but about recognizing the deeper motivations that guide your heart. Venus invites us to observe, with tenderness and honesty, the repetitive patterns in our relationships. Why do we always fall for the brooding artist? The emotionally unavailable partner? The one who ticks all the boxes on paper but never quite touches our soul?

Instead of being dragged into the same relationship dynamics over and over again, we can step back, observe the energetic pull, and decide whether we want to follow it this time or, perhaps, chart a different course. Venus in our chart shows us what we desire in love, but it’s our job to figure out whether that desire leads us toward fulfillment or keeps us spinning in circles. By becoming aware of our “astrological love type,” we can make more conscious choices, attract healthier dynamics, and build relationships that not only reflect Venus’s gifts of beauty and connection but also honor our deeper emotional needs.

In other words, with Venus as our guide, love doesn’t have to be a repeating pattern—it can become a conscious, ever-evolving journey.

“Venus’ sign, and also the house it is in and any planet it aspects, gives us insight into what a person is turned on by. Life is not always this simple however. Some people are afraid to be turned on, because it puts them in an open and vulnerable position. So if you’re fearful of desiring something because of the exposure or vulnerability that comes with admitting to your longings, you actually might be repelled or put off by the very qualities which Venus suggests may turn you on. If you’re frightened of being rejected, spurned or hurt, or if you generally feel guilty about pleasure, you may defend yourself against what you find attractive or beautiful by making an about-face and deeming it repellant or undesirable.”

Venus isn’t just a symbol of romance; she is the architect of attraction, the force guiding us towards the partners who stir something deep within our souls. But Venus is more than a matchmaker in the heavens—her influence seeps into our very identities, shaping not just who we love but how that love transforms us. Her placement in our natal chart reveals our personal “love language”—the way we express affection, the qualities that turn our heads, and the partners who draw us like magnets.

Let’s take Venus in Aries, for example, where love is a fiery adventure, a bold, breathless chase. The Aries energy infuses love with a hunger for excitement, spontaneity, and the thrill of conquest. Someone with this placement seeks a partner who’s daring and unafraid to live life with gusto, someone who burns brightly and keeps them on their toes. Venus here is attracted to bravery, independence, and the sheer force of personality. Love, for Aries, is something to be won, to be fought for—passionate and immediate, but perhaps prone to burning out as quickly as it began.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Venus in Cancer craves emotional depth, security, and a sense of home within a relationship. Here, love is not a battlefield, but a haven. The Cancerian Venus seeks a partner who nurtures, who offers emotional safety and tenderness. It’s the quiet, steady affection that matters most—someone who provides comfort, who feels like a warm blanket on a cold day. With Venus in Cancer, love is about building a fortress around the heart, a place where both partners can retreat from the world and find solace in each other. It’s a love that runs deep, rooted in the need to protect and to be protected.

Love as a Mirror: Reflecting Ourselves

In many ways, the people we love are mirrors, reflecting our own desires, values, and even our fears. It’s through this reflection that love becomes a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.  Imagine someone with Venus in Capricorn, who might be attracted to partners who are ambitious, disciplined, and goal-oriented. In admiring their partner’s drive and stability, they may feel motivated to pursue their own goals with greater determination. Love, for them, becomes not just a source of pleasure, but a desire to aim higher, to build something lasting and meaningful in both their personal and professional lives. Venus here doesn’t just inspire passion—she inspires ambition.

Love as a Catalyst for Growth

The true magic of Venus lies in her ability to shape who we are by shaping how we love. Love isn’t just about the people we cherish—it’s about how those relationships push us toward self-actualization. We see this in how we often strive to become better, more refined versions of ourselves when in love. The desire to be worthy of our partner, to reflect back the qualities we admire in them, can propel us into new heights of personal development. Love, in all its forms, is a reflection—a mirror held up to our souls, showing us not only what we seek in others but what we have the potential to become ourselves. 

While she’s often cast as the romantic muse, inspiring passionate affairs and heart-fluttering desires, Venus’s role in our lives runs far deeper than candlelit dinners and stolen kisses. She is the guardian of our self-worth, the unseen force that colors how we perceive our own beauty, value, and capacity for love. 

Venus and Self-Worth: The Heart’s Reflection

At her core, Venus is about appreciation—not just of the world’s beauty, but of the beauty within ourselves. She invites us to look in the mirror, not just at our physical form but at our emotional essence, and say: “I am worthy.” This is where Venus touches something fundamental in us, beyond the joys of romance—she influences how we value ourselves. When Venus is in harmony, her energy courses through us like warm sunlight, fueling our confidence, helping us to acknowledge our worth with ease. We attract love because we know we deserve it, not because we are starved for it. We create beauty, not as a way to validate ourselves, but as an expression of the beauty we already feel inside.

But here’s where the plot thickens—because Venus doesn’t always operate so smoothly. Her energy can be obstructed, tangled, or misdirected, particularly when she’s locked in challenging aspects in our birth chart or facing difficult transits. When Venus is troubled, we start to doubt our worth. We question our attractiveness, not just in a physical sense, but in other ways way too. Suddenly, we’re not sure if we’re lovable at all. That’s the shadow side of Venus—when the energy of beauty and self-worth becomes distorted, leading us to chase love, validation, and approval from outside ourselves, rather than recognizing it as something that must come from within.

Venus and Relationships: A Mirror of Our Inner World

Now, let’s venture into the landscape of love. Venus doesn’t just govern romantic attraction; she dictates how we give and receive affection, how we form bonds, and crucially, what we believe we deserve in a relationship. And this is where Venus’s influence becomes a little tricky. If our Venusian energy is out of balance, we might find ourselves stuck in relationships that reflect our insecurities, rather than our true worth.

For instance, someone with a challenged Venus—say, squaring Saturn or Pluto—might struggle with feeling unworthy of love. They may settle for partners who reinforce this belief, perhaps through emotional neglect or control. It’s a painful dance: on the one hand, we crave love, but on the other, we fear we’re not enough to truly deserve it. We might then cling to relationships that are more about proving our worth than about mutual respect and genuine affection. But the relationships we attract are always a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. When Venus is out of harmony, we might find ourselves in partnerships that diminish rather than uplift us—mirroring our internal sense of not feeling good enough. These relationships serve as painful, but ultimately enlightening, lessons, showing us where our work lies in healing Venus’s energy.

Venusian Energy: The Art of Self-Love

So, how do we get there? How do we harness the positive influence of Venus and nurture that sense of self-worth that can sometimes feel so elusive? It begins with the most foundational of Venusian practices: self-love. But I don’t mean the commercialized “treat yourself” mantra that’s often trotted out as a quick fix. I mean the deep, often difficult, practice of seeing yourself as worthy of love, even when the world—or your relationships—might try to tell you otherwise. Self-love is an act of defiance against the inner voices that whisper you’re not enough. It’s about engaging in activities that bring you joy—but it’s also about setting boundaries, walking away from situations that diminish your value, and surrounding yourself with people who reflect the beauty and worth that is inherently yours.

Venus in your chart can offer clues as to what these acts of self-love might look like. For example, if you have Venus in Taurus, you might express your self-worth through sensual pleasures—good food, a beautiful home environment, time spent in nature. Surrounding yourself with comfort and indulgence isn’t selfish for Venus in Taurus; it’s an essential part of reconnecting to your inner worth. If your Venus is in Gemini, self-love might come through intellectual stimulation, reading, writing, or engaging in witty banter with others. For Venus in Pisces, it might mean tapping into creative outlets—art, music, poetry—that help you feel connected to the divine within.

Balancing Venusian Energy for Healthy Relationships

Ultimately, balancing Venusian energy isn’t just about feeling good in your skin; it’s about attracting the kinds of relationships that mirror your self-worth back to you in healthy, uplifting ways. When we honor our Venusian energy, we engage with the world—and our relationships—with a fuller heart, not from a place of lack, but from a place of abundance. We stop seeking love to fill a void, and instead, share love because we are already overflowing with it.

Venus as a Bringer of Joy

When Venus is well-placed, forming harmonious aspects (such as trines and sextiles) to other planets, she bestows her gifts generously. These lucky individuals seem to have a natural ability to experience the lighter, sweeter side of life. They are often warm, charismatic, and brimming with charm. Venus, in her benevolence, encourages them to enjoy life’s pleasures without guilt—whether that’s in relationships, creativity, or the simple joy of beauty. Their emotional well-being tends to be rooted in a healthy appreciation for love and connection. They attract affection and admiration with ease, which in turn boosts their self-esteem and sense of happiness. They don’t seek love to fill a void—they embody it.

In practical terms, someone with a well-aspected Venus may excel in relationships, effortlessly maintaining harmonious connections. They have a gift for enjoying the finer things, whether it’s art, food, or the beauty of the natural world. Life feels good, and there’s a sense that things will work out, thanks to their easy access to joy. They radiate a kind of inner contentment that draws others in, making them seem naturally attractive—Venus’s version of an inner glow.

Venus in Challenging Aspects: The Path to Joy

But, as with all things in astrology, life is rarely without its challenges. And Venus, though kind and gentle, isn’t immune to difficulty when squared or opposed by more challenging planets like Saturn, Mars, or Pluto. When Venus faces hard aspects, it often indicates struggles in the areas she governs: love, self-worth, beauty, and pleasure. Yet, the story doesn’t end in despair. It’s simply a call to action—an invitation to work with Venus, rather than passively waiting for her gifts to fall into our laps.

Take, for instance, a Venus square Saturn aspect. Saturn, the great teacher, can cast a shadow over Venus’s natural exuberance, leading to a sense of limitation or unworthiness when it comes to love and joy. People with this aspect might struggle with self-doubt or feel that they’re not deserving of love, often battling feelings of rejection or inadequacy. But Saturn’s influence, though harsh, offers the potential for tremendous growth. Those who learn to work through Venus-Saturn difficulties can ultimately create the most enduring, stable relationships—ones that last a lifetime because they were built with intention and care. The joy they find will be hard-won, but it will be all the more precious for it.

Similarly, Venus square Pluto can stir deep emotional complexities. Pluto brings intensity, obsession, and power dynamics into Venus’s gentle world, resulting in relationships that feel all-consuming, with a fear of loss looming in the background. But again, these challenges don’t spell doom. They simply demand transformation. Individuals with this aspect may be drawn into passionate, transformative relationships that force them to evolve. Through the alchemy of Pluto’s intensity, they learn to rebuild their sense of self-worth from the ashes of past pain, emerging with a deeper understanding of love’s power.

Harnessing Venus’s Energy: The Active Path to Joy

For those with challenging Venus aspects, the road to happiness isn’t always a smooth one, but it’s certainly a path worth walking. Venus invites us to cultivate joy, even when it doesn’t come easily. This might mean consciously immersing oneself in Venusian activities to heal any wounds around love or self-worth. Engaging in creative pursuits—painting, music, dance, or any form of art—can be a direct way to channel Venus’s energy into our lives. After all, beauty has the power to heal, and Venus is the goddess of beauty in all its forms.

Venus: Morning Star and Evening Star

In her role as the Morning Star, Venus rises before the Sun, casting her light in the early dawn, a symbol of hope and new beginnings. This is Venus as Lucifer—the “light-bringer,” a term that has carried complex meanings over the ages but fundamentally connects Venus to illumination and awakening. In this form, she beckons us to open our eyes, both literally and metaphorically, to the possibilities of life and love that await.

In astrological terms, when Venus occupies this position, it can reflect an individual’s proactive approach to love, creativity, and life. This is the Venus of new adventures, of initiating romantic pursuits, of bravely wearing your heart on your sleeve. There’s a sense of beginning, of leaning into love and joy without hesitation. It’s the unbridled rush of attraction, that heady phase where everything feels electric and alive. Here, Venus says, “Go after what you desire! Be fearless in your quest for connection.”

But then, as the Evening Star, Venus takes on a more contemplative role. As Hesperus, she appears after the Sun sets, offering her gentle light as a guide through the night. This is Venus in her more reflective, introspective phase—the Venus of wisdom, maturity, and deep emotional resonance. Instead of chasing love and pleasure with youthful abandon, she invites us to savor, to reflect, and to connect with the quieter, more enduring aspects of affection. The Evening Star is Venus winding down, asking us to look back over the day—or perhaps our lives—and appreciate the beauty we may have overlooked. In this phase, Venus tells us to be love, not just seek it.

When Venus is in this position astrologically, she often represents a more measured approach to relationships and creativity. There’s a maturity here, a sense of knowing what truly matters and a willingness to cultivate beauty and love with care. It’s not about the rush—it’s about the presence. It’s about appreciating the beauty in what is, rather than constantly chasing what could be.

Venus’s Unabashed Nature

 Liz Greene characterizes Venus’s role as the “whore” in mythology. This isn’t a term meant to diminish Venus, but rather to celebrate her total, unapologetic expression of desire, sensuality, and physical beauty. In her mythological form as Aphrodite, Venus doesn’t shy away from the pleasures of the body or the raw power of attraction. She emerged from the sea, fully grown, fully glorious, and fully herself—no shame, no hesitation, just pure, radiant beauty. She represents the ultimate in self-love and self-celebration.

When you tap into your own Venus, the message is clear: Love yourself fully, without reservation. Venus invites you to take delight in your physical form, to find beauty in your own reflection, and to celebrate your desires. There’s no need to hide, no need to suppress or deny the parts of yourself that crave connection, pleasure, and joy. Venus says, “Yes, you are worth it!” And you don’t need anyone’s permission to feel that way.

This is where Venus gets her reputation for being unabashed—she doesn’t conform to society’s judgments about love, beauty, or sex. She simply is. And there’s profound power in that. Venus reminds us that the body is a vessel for love, and through it, we experience the fullness of life. It’s about embracing sensuality, not just in romantic love, but in every part of life—whether that’s enjoying the texture of a delicious meal, the softness of a lover’s touch, or the beauty of art and music that stirs the soul.

Venus and Self-Worth

A key aspect of Venus’s influence is how we value ourselves. When we express Venusian energy, we tap into our inherent worth, recognizing that we are deserving of love, beauty, and pleasure. But here’s the catch: it has to come from within first. Venus doesn’t wait for the world to tell her she’s worthy—she knows it already. And this is the invitation Venus extends to all of us: to cultivate a sense of self-worth so strong, so undeniable, that it becomes magnetic. The more you appreciate your own beauty—inside and out—the more you attract love, abundance, and joy into your life.

And if your Venus is feeling challenged in your chart—perhaps through harsh aspects with Saturn or Pluto—it’s a call to work more consciously on this self-worth. It’s about recognizing the blocks you’ve placed around your heart, the ways you’ve doubted your lovability or denied yourself pleasure, and then doing the work to heal those wounds. This might mean diving into creative pursuits that make you feel alive, surrounding yourself with beauty that uplifts your soul, or building relationships that reflect the love you deserve.

Living the Venusian Life

So, how do we live fully in alignment with Venus? Here’s the secret: we immerse ourselves in beauty, love, and joy wherever we find it. We surround ourselves with things that remind us of the wonder of being alive. We celebrate the body, not as something to be ashamed of, but as a vessel for pleasure and connection. We treat ourselves like the work of art that we are—because that’s what Venus would do. To honor Venus is to honor the whole of love, in all its forms: the wild, passionate pursuit of desire, the serene reflection of mature love, and the simple appreciation of beauty in the everyday. It’s about waking up every morning and saying, “I am worthy of love and joy,” and then living in a way that reflects that truth. So, go ahead—express your inner Venus. Feel the thrill of desire, the joy of sensuality, and the peace of knowing that you, in all your radiance, are enough. Because if there’s one thing Venus teaches us, it’s that the world is filled with beauty—and we are part of it.

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