The chief characteristic of the fully developed Sagittarian is his extraordinary power of mental activity. He brings his reason to bear upon every phenomenon that comes under his observation, and finds his most congenial occupation in getting to the bottom…...
The chief characteristic of this type is a certain exuberance or overplus of intellectual energy, which must find expression, and prefers to express itself, if possible, in a variety of ways. This craving for diversity and impatience of repetition or…...
Taureans are strong, consistent and enduring people with great inner vitality and resilience. Their impulse is to build, to create form, harmony and structure in whatever they do. They are lovers of ‘beauty’ in all its guises, exalted, exalted in…...
The kingdom to which the son of Scorpio is called is a kingdom of power, and the highest achievement is the manifestation of that power in the most gigantic of tasks – absolute self-mastery. The destruction of egotism, the domination…...
Pisceans are sensitive, receptive, very subtle, psychic, mediumistic, empathetic, with the most acute antennae for picking up impressions, soaking up atmospheres, moods and vibrations of all kind. They are flexible, adaptive and also generating, fertile of resource and versatile. They…...
The highly evolved Cancerian is the master of many moods, both in himself and others; for when he has fully developed the faculty of expression he is the musician to whose piping all the world must dance. His true function…...
Aries is the first of the fire signs, therefore symbolic of spirit, therefore significant of the great event of existence, of creation is energy that produces new life out of old. In the Book of Revelations, it is to…...
A person with Mercury trine Jupiter tends to be devoted to their beliefs, sometimes without question, because the energy between the two planets is smooth and unimpeded. Yet, the same planets making challenging aspects to one another may indicate a…...
Question: My Moon aspects Jupiter and I am the great optimist – tend to believe in the best sides of people – tend to trust them in the first place and try to encourage them but I get disappointed quite…...
Aquarius women are the most tolerant but also most intolerant of the zodiac. Some things in life they will not stand. Like being told what to think or what to do, due to their fixed and willful natures. Independence runs…...
Question: Why can’t the Water Signs think straight? Why Can’t they understand information clearly? It’s a common misconception that emotional types (water signs) can’t think rationally; in fact, they think rather well and frequently come up with profound, genuine, and…...
Question: I’m just curious to know, do you think Pluto in the 11th house can ever be a positive thing? The reason I ask is I’ve noticed it in a lot of charts of people who somehow have problems in…...