
pisces fish symbol meaning

Pisces Fish Symbol Meaning

Its symbol is the fish (two fish moving in opposite directions, tied together by rope, or in other versions, by their tails; its glyph is said to be a stylized representation of this symbol. It takes its name from the…

pisces empathy

Pisces Empathy

In the zodiac, it is in the sign of Pisces where we find empathy, understanding and the ability to emotionally feel another’s pain. A Piscean individual absorbs the sadness all around, interpreting life through a vale of tears. It can feel…

Pisces: A Thousand Different Ways

Pisceans by nature are slippery and will defy attempts to label them. Because in your reality, everything is constantly evolving. Having a personality that’s open to change is freeing because it means you don’t have to fit into any one…...

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Pisces: Disappearing into the Deep

Pisces, as the last of the mutable signs, holds a unique and significant place in the zodiac. Symbolized by the Fish and associated with the element of Water, Pisces represents the culmination of the astrological year. This positioning marks a…...

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Watery Elements: Protective Measures

Cancer represents the instinctive desire to establish a strong emotional foundation on which to build one’s life. Ultimately, the goal is to establish roots and become a member of a “family.” This satisfies the individual’s need for security and allows…...

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Water Signs: What do You Mean?

Psychologist Freud, despite thirty years of research into the feminine soul, said that he was unable to understand the psyche of a woman. Justin Bieber articulated the same dilemma in his attempt to understand women in What Do You Mean, elaborating on the…...

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Neptune in Pisces: Spaced-Out Astral Swimmers

Alan Oken’s exploration of dispositorship in his book “Rulers of the Horoscope” delved into the fascinating realm of astrology, shedding light on how celestial bodies like Neptune in Pisces could wield significant influence on an individual’s chart. He made a…...

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