When Venus is conjunct, square, or opposite Neptune in your chart, it’s like having your psyche dipped in pure liquid beauty. Venus rules love, relationships, and all things aesthetic. Neptune rules dreaming, mystical visions, and is forever peering through the…
Those with Venus conjunct, square or opposite Mars are people with strong emotions and desires, especially when it comes to romance and sex. It is said that this contact more than any other has its fair share of fights, squabbles,…
In the extreme, a person with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Saturn may feel inhibited, timid, and shy in the realm of relationships, and this can manifest as extreme caution in love and affection. Choosing a partner with these characteristics…
What lies at the heart of a Venus-Pluto aspect? Simply put, it’s PASSION. This is what you crave, but not just any old affection. It has to be all-consuming, intense, and crazy jealous. Even if you say that you are unaware…
Those with Venus conjunct, square or opposite Uranus have a powerful need for emotional excitement in love. The social nature of this contact is sparkling, fascinating, and electric, and this magnetic quality is often seen through their choice of dress,…
Venus-Pluto aspects in astrology are known for bringing intense and transformative energies to relationships and the overall personality. When these two planets form a challenging aspect, such as a conjunction, square, or opposition, it can result in a profound and…
Venus-Pluto aspects delve into the intense realm of love and relationships, offering a transformative journey that goes beyond surface-level dynamics. At its core, this astrological alignment holds the key to revolutionizing one’s approach to love, unraveling the potential for a…
Venus, often hailed as the ‘planet of love’ in astrology, plays a pivotal role in shaping our relational dynamics, preferences in love, and what we cherish or find appealing in others and the world around us. It is not just…
Individuals born with Venus trine Jupiter possess a benevolent and generous nature, both materially and emotionally. In general, there is a genuine openness in showing affection and a willingness to share their resources without reservation. Characterized by a fundamentally positive…
Individuals with Venus trine Saturn bring a distinctive set of qualities to matters of the heart, marked by an impressive blend of discipline, self-control, and a deep commitment to maintaining meaningful connections. Their approach to relationships is characterized by a…
With Venus trine Neptune in your natal chart, you easily conjure up the ideal lover, since Neptune lifts Venus out of regular relating via your imagination, where you dream about who they could be. After making a list of the…
The concept of autonomy in a romantic relationship is often linked to the interplay of Venusian and Uranian energies. Venus is associated with love, beauty, and harmony, symbolizing our romantic inclinations and desires for connection. On the other hand, Uranus…