Mars in Aries: The Firecracker

With Mars in Aries, the warrior spirit pulsates through your veins, and it makes for an existence that is both mesmerizing and, well, occasionally exhausting—for you and everyone in your orbit. You don’t just walk through life; you charge. You…

Mercury in Aries: Igniting Minds

An individual whose Mercury is positioned in Aries is bestowed with an extraordinary wellspring of mental vitality that sets them apart. Their cognitive prowess thrives in the face of challenges that demand intellectual acumen, as these situations ignite their learning…

Chiron in Libra: The Agony of Injustice

Barbara Hand Clow’s insights about individuals with Chiron in Libra shed light on the unique challenges and potentials that arise from this astrological placement. Chiron, often referred to as the “wounded healer,” symbolizes our deepest wounds and the potential for…

Saturn in Virgo: Mastering the Art of Work

Individuals with Saturn in Virgo exhibit a distinctive approach to life, driven by their need for organization, discipline, and attention to detail. This cosmic placement imparts a profound influence on their character, leading them to become adept at navigating the…

Sagittarius Quotes

Is it therefore not surprising that so many Sagittarians run headlong into the fate of a marriage like that of Zeus and Hera. The textbook Sagittarian avoids marriage because he feels trapped by too many rules and rigid expectations. He…

Liz Greene: Guide to Astrology Review

Liz Greene’s “Guide to Astrology,” a starry presentation that spans just under two hours. The guide begins with an insightful discussion regarding the inherent qualities of the moment we are born, illuminating the very core and purpose of our journey…

Jupiter in Virgo: Faith in the Details

An individual with Jupiter in Virgo possesses a unique perspective on life and seeks hope and inspiration through a belief in an orderly reality. Finding joy in the delicate craftsmanship of the world, they appreciate the beauty and significance of…

Mars in Virgo: In Pursuit of Excellence

Under the influence of Mars in Virgo, your personal characteristics and tendencies are directed towards a specific set of behaviors and attitudes that can significantly shape your approach to life. This astrological placement highlights your inclination towards acts of service,…

Capricorn Quotes

To say the least, Capricorn is a very pragmatic sign. Even in such a romantic situation as marriage, Capricorn will examine the prospective union from more angles than the heart. As much as he may care for his bride-to-be, a member…

Aquarius Quotes

“The air signs as we have already observed, have difficulty maintaining a good relationship with the body. The body refers to the physical body and earth life in general. Fiery Sagittarius’ gaze was always directed upwards, to some distant place,…

Pisces Quotes

In many fairy tales there is a peculiar and enchanting figure, sometimes called an ondine or melusine, sometimes called a mermaid, who lives in the depths of the sea or a vast lake, and falls in love with a mortal…