
Does the Libra Man Really want a Barbie Doll?

The Libra man’s dream woman Astrologer Hazel Dixon-Cooper portrays the “The Libra man is an idealistic dreamer who believes in world peace and fair play. He will take you to the most expensive restaurant…He wants a Barbie Doll to cook,…

Libra: Songs of the Zodiac

Libra is the diplomat, gracefully moving through life with the rhythm of balance and poise. The sign is represented by the scales, this curious inanimate object among the lively beasts and creatures of the zodiac. Not a lion’s roar, nor…


Libra is nature’s mediator, perpetually perched upon the precipice of decision-making, clutching their trusty scales. These seekers of harmony are so enamored with fairness that they negotiate peace between feuding parties. Librans, with their airy essence, often seem like the…

The Shadow Side of Libra

Libra is a curator of harmony, draped in elegance, balancing the scales with the poise of a diplomat at a high-stakes gala. You, dear Libra (or admirer of one), are the embodiment of refined taste, a seeker of symmetry in…

When the Balancing Act weighs Libra Down

If you are going to spend your life with the kind of acute awareness of everybody else that Libra’s got, you don’t have a chance very often to express your own emotions honestly. And this is Libra’s biggest problem. He…