In the captivating era of November 1983, a significant cosmic event occurred as Pluto ventured into the enigmatic realm of Scorpio. Amidst this profound astrological movement, Pluto’s orbit seemed intricately woven to align its arrival in Scorpio with its utmost…
If you are wondering about the astrology of the current hurricanes, and other recent weather events I will be keeping pins for mundane astrology on my pinterest account. You will find astrology articles combined with news reports. It is a…
I visited the Maritime museum on the 100th anniversary of Titanic’s sinking with my partner and two boys. The sinking of the Titanic is one of the greatest tragedies in history, and the astrology of this gigantic boat and its…
After being at the center of phone hacking claims all week, the News of the World has announced that it will discontinue publication as of July 10, 2011. After it came to light that the tabloid had hired a private…
The arrival of Pluto in Aquarius in 2024 signifies a massive astrological shift, anticipated to bring transformative changes across multiple dimensions of human existence.It is associated with deep, systemic transformations affecting societal structures, political systems, and even cosmic order. Aquarius…
During Pluto’s transit through Capricorn we are now seeing all old retail establishments closing down for good. In astrology, Capricorn is the sign of tradition, familiarity, and time honoured values. It would seem these long standing traditional structures are losing…
Astrologer Liz Greene had some interesting opinions on the chart of America and lack of Neptune in the horoscope. America has come under an intense spotlight over the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The whole event has taken some of…
On April 15th, 2012, the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic will be remembered around the world. The timing of the ship’s most significant anniversary transpires when Neptune returns to its own sign of Pisces. In mythology, Neptune…
It is interesting to research the news events surrounding the day of your birth. Take the recent Mars-Pluto transit and the stories of sexual abuse, murder and police investigations. Some of us are born at particularly stressful times in history,…
I once wrote somewhere on this blog about Liz Greene’s interpretation of Pluto in The Astrology of Fate as representing the black man. It was part of a dream analysis she was working through with a client. I also mentioned…
The current positioning of Neptune in the critical degrees of the final air sign (27-29) holds significant astrological implications, providing a unique lens through which to examine the cultural shifts and trends that have unfolded over the past 12-13 years….
Here I am, bundled up like a Russian nesting doll in the heart of this cold British winter. Yesterday, I had to embark on a journey across treacherous black ice. My legs are now throbbing like they’ve been through the…