
Saturn: How Limiting is it?

Question:I have been deeply engaged with understanding Saturn’s influence in a birth chart. I know it represents limitations and tends to restrict whatever it affects. How significant are these limitations? Will it also restrict the positive aspects? Saturn can be…

Saturn: Building a Solid Self

Known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, Saturn’s role goes beyond mere imposition of discipline and structure; it fundamentally shapes the core aspects of our existence, such as our approach to responsibility, maturity, and the realization of our ambitions. The…

Saturn: Shadow and Rejection

Through its many different manifestations, such as self-control, dreariness, and individual karma, the planet Saturn serves as a metaphor for those elements of one’s own personality that one wishes to keep hidden or denied from the rest of the world….

Saturn – The Caged Bird

Saturn’s is that part of your life where you’ve been handed stern lessons: reality checks, limitations, and a perennial sense of, “Why can’t I just let loose and be free?” But here’s the beauty of it, that caged bird feeling, that…

Capricorn: Sea of Karma

Karma fits Capricorn well. The very word, with its roots in Sanskrit, is steeped in the idea of action and its eventual consequences. And they live by this gospel. To Capricorns life is about getting their hands dirty, building real…

Saturn: Fearing the Devil

In Medieval astrology, Saturn held a prominent and foreboding position as the stronger malefic, a celestial force representing the darker aspects of life, including death and endings. During this era, the symbolism associated with Saturn was laden with ominous connotations…

Saturn and Pluto: The Human Shadow

Saturn and Pluto are two celestial bodies in astrology that hold significant influence over the darker and more hidden aspects of our psyche. Their positions in our natal chart offer valuable insights into the aspects of our personality and experiences…

The Astrology of Saturn

The presence of Saturn in everyone’s horoscope indicates the individual’s commitment to bettering themselves through the cultivation of qualities such as self-discipline, responsibility, and duty, and thus, the presence of Saturn in a horoscope frequently includes all of those “boring”…