Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, is often portrayed as a complex and enigmatic symbol in astrology, representing the dual struggle between the earthly realm and higher reality. This dual nature is personified by the two fishes swimming in…
Pisces, the celestial entity dwelling on the otherworldly plane, exhibits a profound connection with the feminine power within. This essence of the personality bestows an insatiable hunger for immersing oneself in the boundless depths of the oceanic realm, where an…
If you’re a Pisces, your connection to the mystical and the hidden realms of existence is an integral part of your personality. You are naturally drawn to the practice of psychoanalyzing dreams, finding the enigmatic realm of symbols both memorizing…
I found that the Urban Dictionary’s entries for the twelve astrological signs varied from humorous to informative to cool to insane to enlightening. It’s fun, from beginning to end. What follows is a list of my top picks: Aries Someone…
The zodiac, a celestial cycle that defines the astrological year, culminates with Pisces, the twelfth and final sign, which is associated with Neptune as its ruling planet. This positioning in the astrological sequence holds profound symbolism and significance. Pisces, often…
The water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, characterized by their emotional depth and intuitive nature, are presented to us as the patrons of empathy and understanding, standing steadfastly by our side during life’s most challenging moments. Within their watery nature lies…
In an Effort to Distort Reality, Thou Shalt Not Live by Compulsions Like Drinking, Drug Addiction, and Other Forms of Escape Pisces—beautiful, watery, enigmatic Pisces. You’re like the soulful poet of the zodiac, draped in metaphysical lace, dreaming under the…
Pisces is the emotional sponge, the shapeshifter, the soul forever adrift in a sea of feelings, connections, and elusive dreams. These fishy folk are masters of slipping in and out of identities, of bending the boundaries of their egos until…
Aries “There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.” Taurus “Just Give me the candy.” …
The southern signs in astrology are also referred to as austral or meridonal signs, are so called because they decline from the equinoctial or celestial equator in a southward direction. They are Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces….
Quotes taken from the book on the Wild Words from Wild Women. Aries I don’t have the time every day to put on makeup. I need time to clean my rifle. Taurus I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time…
From Delicate Strokes to Bold Splashes: The Expressive Watercolors of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces
Cancer, governed by the Moon, delves into the recesses of the psyche, unraveling the enigmatic aspects of the self. This sign embodies an underlying essence that operates through emotional instincts, imbued with remarkable sensitivity. Thus, Cancer unveils an innate intuition…