Lunar Madness

The Queen of the night; the female power of mystery and luminous light. The Moon is known as the mother of precognition conjuring up images of magic and even witchcraft, but there are also elements of madness (it influences murderers…

Scorpio: The Meaning of Change

The life of a Scorpio is often marked by dramatic shifts and profound transformations, reflecting the inherent complexities within their nature. At the core of their existence, there exists a constant conflict or tension, manifesting as a struggle between opposing…

Leo the Lion

Leo’s task is to enhance creativity and to strive towards the greatest possible degree of self-expression. The need to partake in the process of life is powerful, and must be enacted out in some way. Under this sign, we see…

Mars in Capricorn

An individual with Mars in Capricorn possesses an energy that is practical, goal orientated, and ambitious. The aim is to gain mastery over the will. The strength of the red planet in the sign of achievement is shown through their…

Libra: The Scales of Justice

Libra, known as the epitome of grace and sophistication in the zodiac, holds dominion over matters of love and partnership. In this sign, we are ushered us into an aesthetic world characterized by equilibrium and diplomacy. Symbolized by the scales,…

Mars in the 4th House

The person with Mars in the 4th house will have a reservoir of energy underneath and it is within their personal abode where they commonly feel the most energized, enterprising, and most spirited, however, this needs direction and controlling as…

Aries Horoscope Sign

Aries is focused on everything new and untried, its action is energizing, pushy and this individual apt to do things single-handedly. The principle characterization of Aries is that of assertiveness, daring, love of enterprise and adventure. The fire element manifested…

Aries – Red

The color red—like a blazing inferno, it commands attention, pulses with life, and has an undeniable presence. It’s no surprise that red aligns itself with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. It bursts forth with the kind of vitality…

Sun in Cancer: Heart & Soul

The solar journey for Sun in Cancer involves an exploration of the emotions and the nurturing side of life. It entails everything that falls under the dark, mystical and shadowy side of existence.  Moreover, there is depth, wisdom and powerful…