When aligning with Mercury in its conjunct, square, or opposition aspects, Jupiter imbues individuals with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, akin to a voracious appetite for books. This inclination serves as a telltale sign of an imagination in perpetual motion,…
With Saturn in Aquarius, the individual is called to learn some deeply profound lessons about humanity. The essence of Aquarius is the collective, the group, the shared vision of a better world. But Saturn brings the weight of responsibility, the…
Neptune, often referred to as the “Mystic” or “Dreamer” of the solar system, holds a profound and ethereal significance in astrology. Its function goes beyond the tangible and material, as it serves to dissolve boundaries and merge the realms of…
Peter Lorie and astrologer Liz Greene’s book Nostradamus is a fascinating read because it includes a chapter on the Plan for America as well as unique insights for the current era. I love how these ideas whirl together—ancient prophecies and…
The Moon in the 8th house represents a deep, powerful, and extremely loyal emotional makeup. In addition, your feelings have an instinctual force and a depth of insight that is unrivalled. This placement causes you to unconsciously tap into your…
In the realm of astrology, Uranus is a planet that represents the unconventional, the innovative, and the transformative aspects of human nature. Its placement in a natal chart indicates where an individual expresses their inventiveness, originality, and potential for making…
We establish boundaries by defining what separates and differentiates us from each other. In Svend Erik Larsen’s opinion, even the most basic objective border, such as a street curb, has a Janus’s face; it serves as both a barrier between…
The Earth Signs are the steady bedrock of the zodiac – they carry the name of the very ground we stand on. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn: the holy trinity of calm deliberation, sensible decisions, and, dare I say, a slight…
As well as ruling over tomb robbers, escaped prisoners, demons, vampires, and wolfmen, the 8th house in astrology also governs secret knowledge, which opens the way to a variety of mysteries, including that of one’s own identity. The term esoteric…
In astrology, it is believed that our birth charts hold valuable insights into our personalities, inclinations, and behaviors, including our patterns in love and relationships. The idea is that each individual is born with a unique “relationship profile” that can…
The enigma of the late bloomer is wrapped in both mystery and hope, like the Virgo crafting their own destiny, bead by bead, stitch by stitch, while the world busies itself with the parade of immediate gratification. They take the…