Scorpio: Songs of the Zodiac

The sign of Scorpio offers a fascinating richness that has been explored extensively in astrology. It is symbolized by the scorpion, which can use its own tail to end its life, and thus serves as a powerful symbol in astrological…

Mercury in the 1st House

Those with Mercury in the 1st house have a powerful need for self-expression through communication, and they convey a searching and investigative attitude to life. We often find that they are intensely curious and inquiring about everybody and everything. The…

Uranus: Mind Over Matter

It was William James who made the observation that our first act of free will is the decision to believe in the existence of free will. Uranus is the most crucial planet in astrology since it is associated with the…

Mars: The Burning Coal

In astrology, the symbolism attributed to Mars goes beyond its astronomical role as the fourth planet from the Sun. Instead, it delves into its representation of an energetic force that drives us towards action and initiates change. Mars is often…