The Fixations of Scorpio

A Scorpio’s complex psyche is a result of the combination of their watery element and their fixed mode. Emotions, experiences, and feelings are all under the scope of the water element in astrology. Thus, we discover that Scorpio has a…

Mars Trine Pluto: The Power Within

With the harmonious alignment of Mars trine Pluto in your birth chart, you possess a remarkable capacity to harness and display your personal willpower and strength. This celestial configuration represents a dynamic interplay between the assertive and transformative energies of…

Jupiter in the 11th House

Individuals with Jupiter in the 11th house display a natural inclination towards expansive social connections and a genuine desire to engage with a diverse array of people. Jupiter, being the planet associated with growth, abundance, and higher knowledge, infuses the…

The 4th to 12th House

The 4th House is Family Ties   The 12th house is Ancestral Ties The 4th house rules our immediate family and the 12th house goes a lot further back in history. Just by looking at these pictures it really makes…

Venus-Mars Aspects

Those with Venus conjunct, square or opposite Mars are people with strong emotions and desires, especially when it comes to romance and sex. It is said that this contact more than any other has its fair share of fights, squabbles,…

Venus-Saturn Aspects

In the extreme, a person with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Saturn may feel inhibited, timid, and shy in the realm of relationships, and this can manifest as extreme caution in love and affection. Choosing a partner with these characteristics…

Sun Trine Saturn: Woman Up

Those with the Sun trine Saturn are assisted cosmically in the realm of organization, structure, and form in life. Tending to be more disciplined, mature and practical, there is a deep realization of the hard work, time, and effort it…