Libra is the diplomat, gracefully moving through life with the rhythm of balance and poise. The sign is represented by the scales, this curious inanimate object among the lively beasts and creatures of the zodiac. Not a lion’s roar, nor…
When the Sun is in the 7th house of your natal chart, it influences your life, your sense of destiny, and particularly your relationships with significant others. In astrology, this realm is associated with partnerships, relationships, and the way you…
The Sun in the 8th house is a placement that suggests you’ve essentially signed up for a journey into the underbelly of existence. This is not the path of the lightweight, the dabbler, or the faint-hearted. You are here to…
The Sun in the 9th house is endlessly pontificating on the nature of existence, these are the people who turn a simple holiday into a “journey”, a book club into a symposium, and a casual chat into an existential discourse…
The sign of Capricorn is the embodiment of persistence, grit, and an almost supernatural ability to withstand life’s storms. If life were a mythical journey, Capricorn would be the wise, battle-scarred warrior scaling an impossible peak, unshaken by the howling…
The Sun in the 10th house is not the placement of the obscure, it gives the individual an unshakable sense of purpose. Work, career, reputation—these are the very scaffolding upon which they build their life. These are people who seek…
The Sun in the 11th house is a placement that practically sings of collective purpose and communal joy! This is where the Sun steps into the spotlight, not for personal fanfare but to rally the crowd, illuminate the collective, and…
Aries is the fiery trailblazer of the zodiac. Born under the tutelage of Mars, the Greek God of War, an Aries arrives fully intent on conquering, claiming, and carving their mark into the universe. Imagine being driven by a headstrong…
Taurus is the stalwart of stability, the rock upon which the tides of uncertainty break. These earthy creatures gravitate toward what’s secure: a cozy home, a full pantry, a bank account with a delightful array of zeros. But let’s not…
Gemini is the chameleon of the zodiacal wheel! It’s a sign of a whirlwind contradictions and one of paradoxes. Picture a Gemini as an eternal spark, flitting between personas like a bee dances between flowers—not out of insincerity, mind you,…
The Cancerian is born beneath the protective shell of the crab, wielding intuition like a sixth sense, all while tenderly cradling a heart that feels the world more deeply than most. Cancers possess heightened sensitivity, capable of perceiving and resonating…
Leo is the lion, prowling the astral savannah with a mane of gold and a roar that demands attention—or at least a well-deserved round of applause. Leos are the zodiac’s showstoppers, the headliners in the cabaret. Their pride, though occasionally mistaken…