Year: 2010

Astronomy Vs Astrology

One evening, I was, lounging in the glow of my television, absorbing an astronomy program, when the presenter explored the planet Jupiter. This gas giant is so absurdly enormous that you could tuck a thousand Earths into its swirling, stormy…

Earth Grand Trine: Material Hardship?

A Grand Earth Trine is a powerful astrological configuration where three planets form a perfect equilateral triangle in the Earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. This aspect creates a natural, harmonious flow of practicality, stability, and material success in a person’s…

Astrological Ephemeris

Astrodienst have an amazing Swiss Ephermeris. Basically, an emphemeris is used to read the positions of planets for a particular day, month and year. The ephemeris also includes Chiron. Click on this Astrodienst link for an ephemeris that spans 6000…

Dispositors in Astrology

Dispositors role in astrology help us understand how planets in a birth chart interact with each other and express their energies. They offer a lens through which we can delve deeper into the chart, revealing hidden connections of planetary influences….

Transit Table

The movements of the planets and their regular cycles, mean that Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will transit their own natal position at approximately the same age for each person. The types of aspects they make are listed below in…


A T-square in astrology is a challenging  aspect configuration involving three planets. It forms a triangle in the natal chart and includes two planets in opposition. These planets are 180° apart, creating tension and a need for balance. A third…