
Taurus: ‘Because I’m Worth It’

The slogan “Because I’m Worth It” by L’Oréal, popularized in the 1980s, resonates deeply with those with Taurus attributes who invoke the goddess Venus. In understanding the essence of a Venusian type, one can appreciate a philosophy that refuses to…

Taurus’ Roots

The Taurus zodiac sign represents stability and a firm grasp on the here and now. This sign has the strongest ability to plant roots and prosper wherever they may be. Because Venus rules this same earth sign, Taurus is known…

Taurus and Gemini: Adjacent Signs

I stumbled across this wonderful picture of a Tortoise and a butterfly and it reminded me of the stark differences between Taurus and Gemini. Adjacent signs are often markedly different from one another. Take Taurus she is slow, steady and…

Songs of the Zodiac: Taurus

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is often associated with a combination of qualities that make individuals born under this sign stand out. Their personality traits are characterized by a luxurious beauty, inner serenity, and a powerful sense of…