Helpful Transit Article: Timing

I was really starting to miss my Kepler astrology programme, which used to list all of my transits in a list that was nicely formatted, simple to read, and written in the proper way. I was under the impression that Astrodienst did not include a list of transits.
Simply navigate to the “free horoscopes” section on Astrodienst. Go to the drop-down menu in the “chart type” section and select Natal, transits, and progressions combined. Then, click the “show chart” button to view the chart along with any additional tables.
A heated argument broke out between my partner and I not too long ago, when transiting Pluto was in an exact conjunction with my Venus. I was prepared to walk away from it all. I made the decision to participate fully rather than withdraw completely. A deeper commitment was made. Either we work through our issues, or what I like to call our baggage, together in order to take the relationship to the next level or we completely cut ties. This relationship crisis presented a classic example of the Plutonian conundrum of having to choose between everything and nothing.

The table is actually very simple to comprehend and use. It includes your regular daily transits in addition to longer ones. As you can see on the top line, the Sun in transit (tr) is making an application of 8 degrees to Pluto (nat) in its natal position. The exact conjunction of transiting Pluto and natal Venus can be seen in the table; it takes place at 0 degrees 13 minutes.
My internet connection seems to be having issues right now because it constantly turns on and off. I have dispatched engineers to the scene three times, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be resolved in the next few days. When I look at the transits in the table above, I believe that the square aspect between transiting Mercury and natal Uranus has been the source of all of the chaos. It screams that there is a problem with communication, and there have been missed visits and, essentially, crossed wires (wires that also need renewing). It has been a source of stress and, praise be to the Lord, it is now a separating aspect (s).
Any competent astrologer would be able to predict that a Mercury-Uranus challenge could involve vexatious or inconsequential problems, inconsistent visits, constantly shifting schedules, and a breakdown in communications. At five degrees, it is still active and moving away (separating). I did, however, ask my partner when the problems with the internet started, and apparently, it was exactly on the day the transit of Mercury was in exact square to my Uranus. Thankfully, the problem is going to be resolved soon as it is now separating, so I am not too worried about it.
I used the Swiss Ephemeris for Users on Astrodienst to trace the path that Pluto will take over the next few years, which allowed me to determine how long it will remain operational. But the order in which things happen is what fascinates me the most. As the precise moment of the Pluto transit to Venus drew near, it appeared that it would have a significant impact. This is what the majority of astrologers foresee happening. Even though things can fester beneath the surface for years (applying), before they just erupt, so while it’s in orb the issues are starting to present themselves at the beginning, and then eventually resolve after the major incident once the transit leaves for good. The outcome of the situation will be determined at some point in the future, but for the time being, I find myself in the middle of the action.
In any case, I thought you might be interested in this article on Transits and Timing that I found on Astro-Wiki. In many cases, I’ve discovered that a good deal of the information on the site is decent. It is my sincere hope that you will find this information useful in the course of your research on transits and timing.
According to Stephen Arroyo:
Important experiences and developments will not always manifest when such aspects are exact, although they do more often than not. But the exact aspects are invariably “seeding” periods when the impact on awareness and consciousness is usually the most intense. As mentioned earlier, the first transit in such a series usually corresponds to the most striking experience of all these developments that will occur during the entire process.