Pluto represents the realm where the icy breath of fate chills us to the core, signifying the inevitable transformations and upheavals it brings. In this space, individuals often encounter their metaphorical ‘deaths’—the shedding of old identities, habits, or beliefs—as they undergo a necessary rebirth. Although this process heralds a fresh start, it is seldom without the lingering ache of what has been lost or surrendered. In its grip, a paradoxical feeling – the sting of endings and the anticipation of new beginnings – hangs heavy. People find themselves anxiously awaiting the emergence of something new from the remnants of the old. Pluto’s influence is deeply intertwined with mystery and the unknown, creating a pervasive atmosphere where individuals are constantly challenged by their feelings of both power and powerlessness.

This planetary force invites introspection and confrontation with the deeper, often darker aspects of the psyche. As such, experiences under Pluto’s influence are marked by an intense struggle between the desire to assert control and the fear of losing it, reflecting the existential battle that defines human experience. Moreover, Pluto’s energy can manifest savagely, bringing about harsh or even brutal transformations. Unlike gentle shifts, Pluto’s influence forces us into pivotal changes that can feel more like upheavals, forcing individuals to confront and master their innermost fears and drives. For some, Pluto’s influence symbolizes the journey through dark tunnels towards the light, emerging from periods of deep, unsettling change with a sense of ultimate empowerment.

Pluto’s domain is a theatre of dramatic and inevitable transformation where the themes of death, rebirth, power, and powerlessness play out, compelling us to face our  deepest truths and anxieties. It is here that we are stripped of our illusions and are compelled to grow, however difficult the process might be. Pluto challenges us to master ourselves and to rise anew from our own ashes, forever changed but potentially more empowered.

The Apocalypse is Coming!

Pluto embodies the essence of chaos and transformative agony—akin to a personal apocalypse for those under its influence. The term “apocalypse” originates from Greek apokalupsis, which means “unveiling” or “revelation.” It can signify the revealing or uncovering of hidden truths or knowledge, often associated with profound spiritual or universal significance. Frequently referenced in religious texts and literature to describe an event where previously unknown or secret information is disclosed. Viewed in this light, Pluto represents not just an end but a disruption meant to reveal deeper realities and priorities.

Pluto often sets the stage for life’s most intense and life-changing episodes, where the ultimate truths of existence are laid bare through experiences of devastation and renewal. In this domain of existential extremity, death and destruction are not endpoints but catalysts for enlightenment and rebirth. They force a confrontation with our deepest fears and desires, pushing us to re-evaluate what truly matters. The Plutonian energy embodies a relentless stripping away of the superficial, enabling a distilled perspective on the value of life and the impermanence of all things. Hence, cataclysmic events under Pluto’s rule are often seen as the universe’s forceful method of highlighting the critical and the important, urging a reassessment of priorities and values.

Thus, Pluto governs with a stark reminder of life’s fragility and the constant presence of change. It encourages us to seize every day, to live deliberately and meaningfully, and to accept the cyclical nature of endings and beginnings as essential to our psychological and spiritual growth.

The Finality of Life

What if we all carried little timers that counted down the days of our lives? Maybe the timer’s a bit dramatic. Just the date would do. It be tattooed on our foreheads like the expiration date on a milk bottle. It might be a good thing. We’d stop wasting our lives worrying about things that never happen, or collecting things that we certainly can’t take with us. We’d probably treat people better. We certainly wouldn’t be screaming at someone who had a day left. Maybe people would finally stop living like they’re immortal. Maybe we would finally learn how to live…I’ve wondered if, perhaps, at some deep, subconscious level, we really do know our time. I’ve heard stories of people spontaneously buying wills just days before an unseen calamity takes their lives. A Step of Faith, Richard Paul Evans.

Pluto is often associated with transformations and the darker aspects of life, such as death, rebirth, and the subterranean forces of the psyche. This tiny yet powerful planet governs the sign of Scorpio, underlining themes of intensity, power struggles, and deep-seated change. The rule of Pluto over these elements points to its symbolic role in teaching us the stark lesson of acceptance—specifically, the acceptance of the inevitability of certain experiences that are beyond our control.

Pluto’s lessons are about the acceptance of the immutable facts of life, notably the universal experience of death. In this realm, the unwelcome reality often compels individuals to confront their deepest fears regarding loss and the transient nature of human existence. It underscores a painful truth: despite our best efforts, some aspects of life remain unchanged, and some losses are irrevocable. Confronting this reality can feel all-encompassing and profoundly influences the choices we make in how we live our lives.

The influence of Pluto might make us apprehensive about forming deep connections with others. Out of fear of eventual loss—whether through death or separation—some might shy away from fully committing to relationships. This Plutonian type of hesitancy arises from a protective instinct, serving as a defense mechanism against potential emotional trauma. Similarly, the fear of abandonment can make the prospect of falling in love seem fraught with danger, deterring people from letting others get too close.

While death is the only certain outcome in life, the journey towards it can be rich with meaningful relationships and experiences, provided we try to live the entirety of life, both the joys and the inevitable sorrows. By facing Pluto’s influence and bravely confronting our deepest fears and anxieties, which often cast shadows over our lives, we can ultimately live more fully and deeply.

A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside and Enigma

The phrase famously used by Winston Churchill to describe Russia, “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma,” aptly captures the enigmatic nature of Pluto in astrology. It is associated with the hidden aspects of existence, mirroring the subterranean layers of human emotions, desires, and, according to evolutionary astrology, the soul itself. Pluto challenges us to delve into the darkest corners of our psyche, pushing us to confront our deepest fears and often painful truths, such as the inevitability of death and the limits of our control over life and its outcomes.

By facing what we fear the most, we can uncover renewed strength, transforming our pain into power and our fears into wisdom. The uncertainties of life, as influenced by the “wheel of fortune,” resonate with Pluto’s role in our personal and collective destinies. Just as the outcomes of our endeavors and the turns of fate are unpredictable, Pluto’s impact is unknown. It reminds us that in every ending there is a new beginning, and in each loss, there is an opportunity for significant emotional and spiritual growth.

The afterlife—or what lies beyond death—remains one of humanity’s greatest enigmas, a true Plutonian mystery. The contemplation of what comes after death can be a source of great anxiety and existential dread. It’s about confronting the deeper anxieties that lurk within us, the fear of what we might find, or the fear that we might find nothing at all. Yet, through this exploration, we come to see the unknown not as something to be dreaded, but as a vital part of the human experience. It invites us to consider that in the face of life’s great mysteries, there is beauty in the search and transformation in the journey, no matter how intimidating it may appear. We must live with courage, curiosity, and a deeper acceptance of the cyclical nature of existence.

This is a tale of love and loss, of holding onto hope while accepting the world as it is:

Gilgamesh’s tale is one of profound loss and the quest for immortality in the face of death. His journey begins with the death of his friend, which instills in him a deep fear of mortality. Seeking to defy death itself, Gilgamesh embarks on a perilous adventure to uncover the secret of eternal life. As he moves through the treacherous path guarded by the Scorpion-man and ventures into the darkness under the mountain, Gilgamesh confronts his own mortality. He crosses the waters of death, aiding the ferryman along the way, and learns of his ancestor Utnapishti’s attainment of eternal life after surviving the world flood. Despite his bravery and efforts, Gilgamesh’s quest ultimately ends in tragedy. Although he acquires the rejuvenating plant, the “OldManGrownYoung,” on his journey back home, it is stolen by a serpent while he bathes in a pool. The loss of this source of immortality leaves Gilgamesh devastated, realizing the futility of his pursuit. In the end, Gilgamesh returns to his city, Uruk, where he can only reflect on his own mortality. He points out the great walls he helped rebuild, knowing that they will serve as his only memorial. Through his journey, Gilgamesh comes to accept the inevitability of death and the impermanence of life, finding solace in the legacy he leaves behind rather than the pursuit of immortality. The story reflects the theme of acceptance of loss and mortality. Despite Gilgamesh’s desperate attempts to defy death, he ultimately learns to accept the transient nature of life and finds meaning in the legacy he leaves behind.

Pluto, in astrological symbolism, acts much like a powerful, probing force, driving individuals to explore the depths of their being. Pluto is akin to mining for precious gems in the darkest recesses of the earth. Just as a miner digs deep into the ground to find valuable ores, a person influenced by Pluto digs into the depths of their psyche to discover the “inner jewels”—traits, strengths, and insights that are not apparent on the surface but are invaluable for personal growth and spiritual advancement.

Life’s harshest realities, like the sting of loss, the wound of betrayal, or the unsettling grip of an existential crisis, often act as like fiery tests. It is from the intense heat of these challenges that revelations emerge. It exposes the raw vulnerabilities beneath the surface, forcing us to confront the darkness within and the vastness beyond. Through this confrontation, we can unearth previously unknown aspects of ourselves, forging a new path forward with a deeper understanding of who we truly are.

As these hidden aspects of oneself are brought to light, a transformation occurs. The individual gains an understanding of their nature and place in the world, which is both enlightening and liberating. Developing a deeper perception enables one to tap into latent potential, harnessing abilities and insights they were previously unaware of. Just as a seed must be buried in the soil to sprout, individuals must sometimes be submerged in the depths of challenging experiences to rise anew.

The ascent isn’t about circling back to where we began; it’s about reaching new heights—spiritual, emotional, or intellectual—that were previously beyond our grasp. Once we integrate the lessons learned from the depths, we can ascend with greater wisdom, resilience, and inner strength. Often, it is a very painful and demanding process, but it can liberate us from levels of life where we feel trapped, or at least where we need to let go and heal old wounds.