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Gemini: The Terminally Curious

Gemini is the most intellectual of the common signs, being the throne of the nervous, mental planet Mercury. The Gemini native is naturally fitted for walks of life requiring precision and exactness of the mental processes. It does not necessarily follow that the intellectual person is the deepest thinker or possesses the most capable reasoning powers. We must, therefore, in the case of the Gemini person, separate the intellect from the reason. The Mercurial thinker does not necessarily understand what he thinks about, but resembles the young college student whose head is filled with years of theory but who possesses practically no experience in the art of living or the science of understanding. Hall, Manly Palmer. Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types . Garrett County Press. Kindle Edition. I have a friend with Moon in Gemini who once told me that books had been her mother. Her mother had not been very kind or caring of her, and she learned to read at a young age and had an abiding love of books because, as she said, learned everything about life from books. She was pretty smart, so I guess she had read the right books. She went from listening to her mother, rejecting her quite early, then to reading books obsessively, and finally to teaching. She’s truly a great teacher too. Darby Costello Negatively, our Gemini Moon suggests that we experienced one or both of our parental figures as changeable or inconstant, as overly identified with the mind and inclined to rationalize and intellectualize rather than directly express feeling. Such a parent may have also been high strung, nervous, and preoccupied with trivia. Positively, our parents may have encouraged and supported our verbal and intellectual abilities and provided us with considerable stimulation and challenge. If our parent did not provide the nurturance we needed, we may have internalized messages which inclines us to deny or explain away our feelings, and to remain open to too many outside influences at the expense of learning to make commitments or develop an area of expertise. We may have exercised our mental capacities to such a degree that we have become adept at rationalization and prone to use words and superficial interactions to defend against our real needs for contact, intimacy and communication. Our task may be to reconnect with our feelings and bodies in such a way that we may think, communicate and structure our lives to make our mental activities and relationships truly nourishing. The Astrology of Self Discovery, Tracy Marks Omigawd, do they ever stop learning? This specimen does not merely understand media. They are little radios which jabber, jabber, jabber all day long. It’s comforting mostly. Radios are handy to take along with you, and when you feel worn out, you can tune out for a bit. When you tune back in, there they still are, chirping away at amazing speed, fierce and furious. They simply need to express themselves. Is your jabberwocky depressed? Get your friend to talk about it. That’s all these folks need to do; it makes them feel better straight away. Putting them in motion works. Pop them on a bus or plane, or stick them in the car and drive around different neighborhoods for a while. Want to sell them something, even yourself? Variety will get you everywhere. Change topics every ninety seconds, three minutes at most. If yours is a long winded spiel, pop in a wee item of unrelated trivia every so often. Their high-speed minds need those commercial breaks. Good talkers impress them…How about their friends, then? Here we witness the famous “flexible values system.” This Moon position shows a constantly expanding curiosity about how other people live their lives. It enables them to count among their friends’ priggish pastors, porn moviemakers, bankers, winos, poodle breeders, the complete boiling range of human society….Secrets From A Stargazer’s Notebook, Debbie Kempton-Smith Oh Gemini, it seems to be the pattern of your transitions that they are extreme reversals of previous behavior. Although there is a great deal of turmoil churning about inside you, other people are often unaware of this and are puzzled by the strenuous pace you maintain and the changes wrought in your personality. During these periods you experiment with many different activities and ways of being, and it does seem as if you are burning your bridges to the past. However, your experiments can be very valuable in that they allow you to learn what you really want to discard and which new direction you wish your life to take. The assumption generally is that you crave the new and that these “outbursts” are merely the long-withheld expression of your desire to try the untried. However. These intervals are not always the gay, mad whirls that they appear to be, and you experience a great deal of unexpressed sorrow at relinquishing your past life and style…One Gemini gift of yours that can be of great assistance to you in these difficulties is that you tend to gravitate toward satisfying your own needs and paying attention to your own responses in life. And the further off you move from images of what you “should” be, the better of you ate. The Goddess in Your Stars, Geraldine Thornton A mutable, airy sign, Gemini is ruled (easy to guess) by Mercury. The word “dialectical” might be applied here too, but more in the original Greek sense where “dialectic” meant conversation – a quick and most argumentative conversation, full of twists, traps and contradictions. All astrologers agree that the Gemini type enjoys argument; after all, this comes naturally to a double man, born under a double sign…Morrish finds the hieroglyph of this sign two pillars, one light, and one dark, a “portal through which every human being must pass.”..Being both mutable and airy, Gemini is intellectual but fickle (Pearce describes the Gemini type as having” disposition fickle, understanding good.”) Ingrid Lind writes that he “goes to extremes of rationality” and possesses the” ability to live a double life.” It has often been claimed by many astrologers that many intellectuals are born under this sign. But, as indeed is often the case with intellectuals, the Gemini person is often emotionally cold. …Unfortunately, Gemini is the patron not only of intellectuals but of egocentrics and, in some cases, of lunatics. Astrology, Louis MacNeice Gemini seems very often to find the experience of mortality very dark and depressive. The is a loss of faith and light, because when the mortal twin looks up and remembers his divine brother in the spiritual realm that he cannot reach, it casts a shadow over his own existence. For the divine twin, the loss of his brother and the compassion for the sorrows and tribulations he experiences on earth equally cause him suffering. There seems to be a very deep longing in Gemini for the reuniting of these two halves. Call it what you like, spirit and body of Self and ego or divine and human. But the myth seems to be saying something both sad and also very comforting. Although the twins cannot be in the same place at the same time, they are part of one whole and cannot be separated…They offer compassionate acceptance of the pain of duality, of ambivalence. They can give the capacity to live with a sense of distance between body and spirit, and the enmity between them, and yet draw something creative from embracing both. So I think this too is important for Gemini. New Insights into Modern Astrology, Liz Greene Trouble is, from the astrological point of view, we humans are the microstructure. We are the “quanta.” We follow our own unpredictable pathways, stitch our own crazy-quilt. One person’s response to Gemini may bear little resemblance to another’s. We are creative. We make it up as we go along. Further complicating the picture, we recognize that no psychological function operates in a vacuum. Gemini cannot be amputated from a birth chart and cultured somewhere in a petri dish. Inevitably, it is part of a living person, and its meaning is flavored by the position of that individual’s Sun, Neptune and the rest. In human terms, in other words, the smallest unit of full-blown astrological significance is the birth chart itself. A person. Attempting to investigate astrology with anything less is the same as trying to piece together the psychology of million-year-old hominids, based. Forrest, Steven. The Night Speaks: How Astrology Works (p. 132). Seven Paws Press. Kindle Edition. The Story… A soul stands poised on the brink of birth. The Lord of the Universe speaks: “I want you to go down into the Earth and recover your sense of wonder, your sense of astonishment, your sense of the miraculous.” Inspired, the soul nods knowingly. Suspiciously, God adds, “Yes, I want you to go down there and try to get totally confused.” The soul looks up, unsure. “Confusion gets a lot of bad press,” says the Lord, “but it’s actually a noble condition … a condition that arises whenever what we have allowed ourselves to see is three steps ahead of our theories. Go forth into the world and delight in your confusion. Flood your life with the unfamiliar, the unexpected. Cultivate uncertainty. I bless you with a facile and curious intelligence. Let it forever be at the beginnings of things.” Forrest, Steven. The Night Speaks: How Astrology Works (p. 116). Seven Paws Press. Kindle Edition. Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized – particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini – that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. Green, Ed Deva. Essays on Evolutionary Astrology (p. 203). The Wessex Astrologer Ltd. Kindle Edition. The Bi-curious: Now, again, Gemini sexually is very, very restless. They can get very sexually bored. And if you are with a Gemini type sexually, you had better have some sort of capacity to adapt. Because for a Gemini to remain faithful and/or monogamous to you, you have better have some degree of adapting to whatever their newest need is. Gemini will not preclude any kind of sexual experience, in and of itself. It is another possible form of knowledge. With Gemini (you have all seen the glyph, the twins), we have a natural square to Pisces and a natural trine to Aquarius. What does the square to Pisces mean? It creates a direct correlation to bi-sexuality. So in many cases, the phenomenon you call bi-sexuality initially occurs in the archetype of Gemini. This can also correlate with sibling sexuality. Now we have all learned that Gemini has a direct correlation to siblings. When siblings become intimate, it is not Gemini any more, it becomes Libra. Remember that you have a natural triad between Gemini and Libra and Aquarius. And when it becomes intimate (Venus) you then go into the next sign in that triad, Libra. And the whole phenomenon of siblings being intimate occurs much more than most people want to recognize, believe me. When you have done this counseling work for this long, you have heard every story. Green, Ed Deva. Essays on Evolutionary Astrology (pp. 107-108). The Wessex Astrologer Ltd. Kindle Edition. You will, therefore, most frequently contact Gemini people in some walk of life dealing with theoretics or basking in the aura of intelligence. The school teacher may be an example of the first type, and the secretary or stenographer of the second type. The professor lives in a universe of theories bounded by the buildings that face his university campus. The secretary or stenographer is constantly dealing in the thoughts of others, a person of responsibility but still a vicarious participant in the practice of thinking. The Mercurial mind, developing beyond the estate of secretary or stenographer, naturally inclines toward intellectual pursuits, drawn to such occupations as editor, journalist or correspondent, essayist or even novelist or dramatist. In these careers, however, he must train himself against superficial treatment of his material. The writer who takes nothing seriously and whose veracity is far from unimpeachable typifies another danger in the development of the Gemini temperament. Hall, Manly Palmer. Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types. Garrett County Press. Kindle Edition. We are forced to remind the reader that Gemini is unusually conspicuous in the annals of certain types of crime. In the lower scale, Gemini, ruling the fingers, bestows a certain lightness upon them, resulting in pickpockets and forgers. Truthfulness in particular is difficult to Gemini people. They do not necessarily intend to say anything that is really wrong, but with the general common sign dislike to assume unpleasant responsibility or to acknowledge faults, there is a tendency to try and fib one’s way out of uncomfortable situations. On the good side of the ledger we can sum up the virtues of the Gemini temperament thus: Quick, active, alert mentality, versatile, adjustable, non-combative, generous, humorous, and moderately temperate; interested in self-improvement, usually well read, good conversationalists and linguists, and even good performers on the piano or violin. Among the men there is sometimes a mechanical trend, turning interest to the automotive or airplane industries. There is an inventive streak, some restlessness and love of travel. Hall, Manly Palmer. Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types . Garrett County Press. Kindle Edition. Gemini men are reasonably fortunate in marriage and should marry women of a Venus or Jupiter temperament. Gemini women are not always so fortunate, and must cultivate a tendency against drabness and lack of color in personality. The Gemini temperament being Mercurial, reflects the peculiar quality of Mercury which takes on the attitudes and appearance of whatever other sign or planet is most prominent in the nativity. The “double” Gemini person is usually not demonstrative in matters of affection, and is somewhat critical of those with whom he comes in contact. Hall, Manly Palmer. Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types . Garrett County Press. Kindle Edition. GEMINI MOON WOMEN can be as zany as Goldie Hawn and Madeline Kahn. Generally bright and verbal, they can’t play dumb, except as a joke. They have an inquiring spirit that keeps them on the move, and they aren’t the slightest bit interested in those tediously repetitive tasks around the house, except when there’s a new gadget to play with. The home is likely to be lively with people, even if it’s not terribly clean. Yes, they’re flirtatious, yet it doesn’t go deep, for they can be as thrilled with a new class as with a new lover, and they’re forever looking for a mentor in their affairs. Communication is the focus and the absolute condition for partnership, otherwise there’s no reason to stay home at night. Cunningham, Donna. Moon Signs: The Key to Your Inner Life. Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. As someone who began life while the Sun was moving through Gemini, your previous path of soul progression was one of intellectual development through the experience of the immediate environment. This means that you are now here in this lifetime to connect the rest of us to each other through those stimulating channels of communication, munication, education, commerce, and transportation. Obviously, this is the global grapevine of spiritual agendas because, apparently, you are the one who was born to investigate, circulate, articulate, and, yes, aggravate the complex circuitry of our ordinary lives. This is why you can’t help but explore every exciting option as you navigate every existing network just to find every conflicting opinion, and, of course, challenge everyone else’s thinking. You’re the cosmic conduit who is here to engage our minds in the outside world by stimulating our curiosity in the collective neighborhood. borhood. While that’s really nothing more than just somehow getting us to focus our misguided attention on whatever and your never-ending battle with boredom-otherwise known as the cosmic twin hurdles that keep you from being as interesting as you could be and as knowledgeable as you should be because they keep you constantly skimming the superficial surface of everyone and everything. That’s a bit of a problem for you because, although this Gemini degree certifies that no one is better equipped to be a shining example of brilliant communications, nications, it also stipulates that you are the one who must do so responsibly, or lose your credibility. Evidently, you’re only kept firmly in our loop by keeping us reliably in the know. That requires not only skillfully probing that impenetrable surface and cleverly finding those difficult answers, but doing it brilliantly without carelessly tapping ping those questionable sources or dangerously draining the depths of our patience. You see, according to your karmic qualifications and unlike the local pizzeria, the universe verse is expecting a lot more from you in this lifetime than just variety and speed. Marguerite Manning. Cosmic Karma: Understanding Your Contract with the Universe (Kindle Locations 389-394). Kindle Edition. The general course of the Gemini person should be directed toward deepening and rounding out the life with experience, seeking completeness in whatever branch of learning or pursuit the native is engaged. Hall, Manly Palmer. Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types. Garrett County Press. Kindle Edition. GEMINI MOON MEN can be the Peter Pan type, never quite growing up, but oh, so charming. They’re terminally curious about every new cutie who comes along, thoroughly flirtatious, enjoying the repartee and challenge of the dating game, for it’s very much a game to them. When you get to know them well, though, they essentially treat women as sisters. They almost invariably get to play the indulged, precocious little brother, although they can be good to bounce ideas…

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