Astrological Insights: Embracing and Healing the Inner Wounds of the Child

In the depths of our psychological landscape, a wounded child may bear the mark of pain and vulnerability, forever etched upon their soul. The precise moment of injury remains elusive, shrouded in uncertainty, but when it emerges, it presents a unique opportunity for the child to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner growth. This profound transformation compels them to explore a more profound and introspective aspect of their being, forging an unbreakable connection with their own profound depths. The origins of this wounded state can manifest through various causes, such as abandonment, neglect, or even maltreatment. As these wounded children grow into adults, they often reveal the scars of a shattered self-confidence, harboring deep mistrust towards both themselves and others. In response, they erect impenetrable walls, shielding themselves and their surroundings from further harm, as a means of self-preservation. Within the realm of astrology, the water houses in one’s natal chart symbolize the unconscious, acting as a gateway to profound personal exploration. Individuals with planets residing in these watery domains inevitably find themselves compelled to embark on a journey of self-discovery, delving into the intricate layers of their own psyche. Additionally, the Moon, alongside the challenging placements and aspects of Saturn and Pluto, especially in relation to the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars), can contribute to the overall landscape of inner woundedness.

Psychologists emphasize the imperative nature of liberating this wounded child within us, as failure to do so keeps us shackled to our past, hindering our ability to experience true freedom and genuine love. Astrologer Liz Greene, in her profound insights, directs our attention towards Saturn when contemplating our scars. She delves deep into the multitude of wounds that exist, each mirrored by different astrological significators, reflecting the diverse tapestry of hurt, frustration, and loneliness. Saturn, in particular, carries immense pain, embodying the profound sense of deprivation and the absence of essential elements necessary for fostering confidence and self-worth. This pain is deeply personal, often tracing back to formative experiences during early life, where one learns to shield their vulnerabilities with defenses that, tragically, may exacerbate further wounds in the journey of adulthood. Whether due to circumstances or parental oversight, these unmet needs and values can leave lasting imprints.

Astrology asserts that Saturn, often the very essence of our deepest desires, appears to be perpetually beyond our grasp, denied to us. When Saturn and its aspects come into play, they have the capacity to evoke discomforting emotions, laying bare our flaws and limitations. One astrologer famously referred to Saturn as “the Angel of Depression,” embodying its inherent nature of unveiling reality. The challenge lies in accepting the stark truth that, as children, we may not have received the affection and nurturing we longed for, leaving us bereft of the self-belief that was so desperately needed. Although arduous, there are moments when we must confront reality as it truly is. Saturn serves as a constant reminder that maturity and personal responsibility are the foundations upon which we must build our lives and seek our own happiness.