Moon in Taurus Quotes: You Have Such a Good Time Being Pleased With Life!

You might habitually seek others to provide the Taurean need for attention, pampering, and love by supplying material and sensual comforts. This dependency may create an impression of personal inadequacy in order to induce others into giving you their tangible resources. By your projecting a helplessness in obtaining material goods, they may furnish you with...

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Moon in Gemini Quotes: You Can Get Caught up in Relationships Which Lack the X Factor

When you seek others to provide an emotional escape from the isolation of your mental gymnastics, you embark on a search for the perfect person. This may lead to the frustration of never finding a single relationship that can satisfy and provide release from idealistic mental visions. If you lack confidence in your instincts, you...

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Moon in Cancer Quotes: Your Foundations Exist in Emotional Depths

You may have an impulsive tendency to trample on or ignore the feelings of others when you habitually seek to fill your emotional needs first. If you indulge in the Cancerian world of self-centred emotion, it may be difficult to see beyond your own needs to the solutions offered by others for emotional balance. Wanting...

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Moon in Leo Quotes: You Will Do Anything for Those Whom You Love

If you subconsciously seek to confirm your worth by superiority, you may expect others to come to you, like the king waiting to receive his audience. You may use the pretence of objectivity to ensure that others will admire you on your pedestal. If you unconsciously select associates on the basis of their ability to...

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Moon in Virgo Quotes: You Have an Acute Sense of Your Own Worth Which You Base on a Sense of Your Own Intelligence

If you want to be perfect in the eyes of others, you may use the Virgo analytical powers to defend your behavior when others question you. When others do not behave according to your expectations, you may feel affronted and react with sarcasm or cold silence. You might withhold helpful opinions and valuable perceptions because...

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Moon in Libra Quotes: You Are Both Ambitious and Lazy at the Same Time

When you habitually expect others to notice your sensitivity to discord and aggression, you respond with emotional touchiness if confronted in any way. You may compromise your own direction and sense of fairness in order to appease others, expecting them to reciprocate by providing the rapport needed for your stability. When your manipulations don’t work,...

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Moon in Scorpio Quotes: You Have the Inbred Strength to Survive Under the Most Staggering Conditions

When you habitually require others to give you their unconditional loyalty and allegiance, you may become crushed, insecure, and angered when they don’t. You may unconsciously respond with defiance, exercising the instinctive power you have over others, and subtly attempt to enforce loyalty and control. Therefore, in your eyes, they lose power. In this process,...

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Moon in Sagittarius Quotes: Being Slightly Bossy You Would Need a Very Understanding Husband

If you feel the need to strive perpetually to confirm your intellectual superiority, you may become obsessed with feeling you have to obtain a tangible result. You may seek the ultimate ‘grand vision’ that will empower you to put your physical universe in order. You might believe that by your demonstrating perfection in all aspects...

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Moon in Capricorn Quotes: She Feels That She Must Fulfil Her Destiny

When you unconsciously need others’ reassurance that you are the most important part of their interpersonal situations, you may unknowingly manipulate them emotionally to gain respect. This can lead to needless dramas of personal suffering that force them to acknowledge and admire your ability to survive. You may instinctively guard your image and try to...

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Moon in Aquarius Quotes: You Are Magnetically Attractive – But Send Out Signals Suggesting You Are Cool and Distant and Don’t Want the Rest of Us to Come Too Close

You may feel afraid that any intimate relationship might put you in a vulnerable position where unexpected emotional rejection could be experienced. To avoid this, you may create emotional drama that ensures others will stay at a distance. This game results in a negative self-image and emotional isolation. When you take responsibility for creating loving...

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Moon in Pisces Quotes: Long Bouts of Crying

When you habitually seek the behavior of others to automatically validate your concept of universal perfection, you may refuse to see life as it exists. Living in your vision of universal perfection on Earth, you can unknowingly lose yourself in ivory tower beliefs. These beliefs prevent you from listening to people and seeing them in...

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Moon in Scorpio: Dark Chocolate for the Soul

Forever maintaining its mystery in our overexposed world, the Moon in Scorpio is rendered at once the most fascinating and engaging creature in existence. Possessing a very rich inner life, there is the capacity to experience emotions to an unusual level of depth, complexity, and intensity. This makes those born under this lunar position feel extremely...

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